We saw the first test case user ID that we had with the right username and with the right password. That has been passed. Now we will see for the test case ID no. 2 for which we have inserted the wrong data. The data that we have inserted is the wrong username and wrong password. So, what should be its expected result? Enter valid username and password. This is what should come, now we will try it and see. How that will come. We have added the wrong username and wrong password. Enter invalid username and password. What should have come there? Enter valid user name and password. And what is showing here, enter invalid username and password. So, what does that mean, the functionality is working fine. I am inserting the wrong username and wrong password, it is passing that, but what is the issue? The issue is in the particular message that is prompted to the user. Right, what does that mean that the test case is getting passed but the actual result, what are we getting here? Enter invalid user name and password. Right? That's why, the test case is getting passed but the output that we should get, the revert that the user should get, is wrong. Enter invalid username and password. The functionality is working. Again, why are we seeing this test case? For login functionality. If this was the case that even after entering the wrong username and password, the user is logging in. Then that test case would fail but here the test case is passing because the functionality is working fine. The message that the user should have received is showing wrong. So, what will come in the actual result, enter invalid user name and password. Okay? Similarly, you can try 4 to 5 different combinations like username- blank, password- 1234, password- blank, username-1234, and can see, what are the results coming. Right? Now we will login to the system and see which rights have been given to the super admin and which rights have been given to the sub admin. Now we will insert the username and password of the main admin and we will check if all the writes have been given to the admin or not? Okay. We have logged in with the main or super admin. We will go in employee and open view employee. New employee. Yes, the admin can create a new employee. Now what we will do is we will test this form. Before that we will see that the other admin or the sub admin who is there, does he have those rights or not? Now we are inserting the details of sub admin, sh002, password- 123, login, yes, login is happening. Go to, did you see, employee creation didn’t come in it.Right? one minute, I am opening the main admin in another browser, so that you can understand it easily. See, this is the main admin one, in this, is the employee one coming? Right? Now we will see in the sub admin. This is sub admin Right? but, in this, employee creation is not coming. Come, let’s start testing the employee form registration. You have learned the test case, how the test case is created. In the same way, test the test cases of employee form and test it through different data. I am not creating a test case here. I am just telling you how to test the form here, which testing is applied here. I am showing you here. First name, okay ! Let's do negative testing in the 1st name. We have inserted special characters in negative. These are called special characters, pay attention. These kinds of symbols are called special characters. In the last name we have put shah. Date of birth, pay attention, in date of birth mostly the developers make mistakes. Date of birth should not be more than the current date. Can you insert the previous date of birth? Can I insert that my date of birth would be 6th Jan 2017? So what is this? This is an issue, a bug which should not be there in the system. Okay. Then what will we select, gender, male. Look at this functionality carefully. Marital status, what did I see 1st over here is single. So, that remained unblock. Now, I am making it married. So, this marriage date is getting opened. Now, I am inserting the marriage date as 2. I am again inserting single. So, it should get locked. Right? As there will be no marriage date in single. It got locked, so this functionality is working fine. Now, mobile number, pay attention, we can do 2 testing in it. The 1st one will be equivalence partitioning and the 2nd one will be boundary value analysis. I mean boundary value point. Okay. If you don’t remember, see that video again, revise it and then go ahead with the project. Mobile number, how many digits are there in the mobile number? 10. According to equivalence partitioning, how will it happen? Tell me? Okay, I am inserting here 12345. So, should it be accepted? No. And as per equivalence partitioning if more than 10 means 15, 6789101112131415, it is not happening. Right? So, in the mobile number they have inserted the validation. Okay. Similarly, if we see from the boundary value. What will happen in that? Less than 10, means 9, 123456789. This should not be accepted. Right? And in the boundary value, what will be more 10+1 that is 11. 10 and 11, see it is not allowed to enter. Which means that they have put the validation. In the field of mobile numbers, which is the testing that we saw? Equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis. In email, pay special attention in email. In the email field, it happens that mostly the email ids that are there are abc@gmail.com okay, but some companies, like if you have an email ID on Yahoo, it will be like yahoo.co.in. Right? In some companies there are 3 dots like yahoo.co.in.okay or something else. Even though we should test here in the email, okay, pay attention. Then address, let's write in address 26, Kabir Villa, you can give any address for testing. Okay, we enter the information and then submit. A part following @ should not contain the symbol this. So, here the comma is given, so it is giving the error. Let’s change comma to dot. Submit, loading and it has got submitted. Okay. Our details are submitted, an employee is created. We have created the employee but did you pay attention that in the first name these characters were getting accepted, @%. Should it accept it? No. You pay attention next time on any form like Facebook and Gmail, Shaddi.com, on lots of website registration forms are there. While testing in it try clicking on the tab. I have clicked here, tab, here it will immediately show. This name is invalid or please enter a valid name. So, all these things you pay attention to while you are testing. So, which are the bugs that we saw here, the 1st name one,then, the mobile number one is running perfectly. Right? The email one is also working perfectly. But the most critical bug is the date of birth. Date of birth should not be more than current date. So, what we will make of it, bug report. Suppose that your company is not using any bug reporting software. So, how will you report the bug? That will also be in excel. Let’s see it, in the date of birth there is an issue, date of birth is a bug. Okay. Bug, failure, there were a lot of definitions which we had learned in the beginning of the testing. All those should be clear to you, when you are reporting it. Okay. Now we will see how to report the bug in an excel form.
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