Hello friends.
Now, when we want to select the candidates, one method to select the people is according to a checklist.
Well, another method is that we use some scientific methods to identify whether a person is a right fit for our organization or not. So, those are “scientific selection” techniques.
In scientific selection methods, one of the most popular methods is “psychometric testing”.
Now, let us know what is “psychometric testing?”
Basically, “psychometric tests help to identify your skills, knowledge, and personality”. This is a very important part of the “preliminary screening stage or a part of an assessment center”.
The major advantage of this test is that “they are objective, convenient, and strong indicators of job performance” because of which this is very popular amongst the recruiters nowadays.
Now, most psychometric testing is completed online, but few psychometric tests are still conducted in pen and paper mode. Then, most of the tests are timed in which you have to finish the whole questionnaire in the allotted time while there are some tests where you have the flexibility to finish the tests in multiple sittings. Okay.
Now, mainly, there are 2 types of psychometric tests. Namely,
1) “Aptitude tests” and,
2) “Personality tests”.
Come, let’s know more about “Aptitude tests”.
Normally, aptitude tests are designed to assess your reasoning and cognitive abilities and they determine whether you have got the right skill set for a role or not.
Now, when they are administered under exam conditions, you will often be given one minute per question to answer each question.
Your intelligence level is compared to a standard which means that you need a minimum score to pass.
Well, some of the common aptitude tests are;
– “Diagrammatic reasoning”.
– “Error-checking”
– “Numerical reasoning”.
– “Spatial reasoning”.
– “Verbal reasoning”. Etcetera.
These tests are generally included in various other competitive exams as well. Some organizations include aptitude tests from the screening point of view so that the candidates are filtered out at the starting which makes it easier for them to proceed to the next step. Okay. (Clear, so far?)
Now, let’s talk about the “personality test”.
Basically, personality tests are designed to assess your interests, values, and motivations”. And most importantly, it also analyzes how your character fits with the role and the organization.
They also assess your emotions, behaviors, and relationships in a variety of situations.
Well, let me share some common personality tests….
The first one is “MBTI”.
The full form of “MBTI” is “Myers Briggs Type Indicator”.
This test is used to identify where we fit in out of 4 different dichotomies.
Where do we fall between “sensing and intuition?” Then, where do we fall between “introversion or extroversion?” The same goes for “thinking or feeling” and “judging or perceiving”.
This way, 16 different personality types are developed and labeled by a combination of initials. On the basis of a questionnaire, people are given a combination of 4 alphabets and their personality evaluation takes place on that basis. (Got it?) ….
“Around 80% of new hires at fortune 500 companies have been administered the MBTI and countless other companies also use MBTI as a part of the employee selection process”.
The MBTI report looks like this, where the “summary of MBTI results” is shown. Overall details of each parameter are mentioned.
Here, you can see, it shows the candidate is “ENFP”. Well, all the results are mentioned here along with the data on how the candidate got this personality type. So, you get the overall details in this MBTI report.
Now, the thing is that this also has a counter argument. What is it? Well, MBTI cannot be used for selection processes because everyone has different personalities and we should be inclusive of all personality types. Well, that is true.
However, for every specific role, you need a specific personality type too and MBTI helps you in identifying the required personality type.
For instance, in the role of marketing or a salesperson, the individual must be extroverted. If you select an introverted individual, then he won’t be that effective in that role despite all the skills and knowledge at hand. (Got it?)
Now, let’s talk about “disc assessment”.
“Disc is also a very popular personality assessment tool amongst the human resource professionals nowadays”.
This behavior assessment tool was developed by industrial psychologist “Walter Vernon Clarke” and the theory was developed by the psychologist “William Moulton Marston”.
Basically, this tool focuses on identifying 4 behavioral traits; “dominance, inducement, submission, and compliance”.
Based on the behavior traits of the individuals, they may be categorized as task-oriented or people-oriented.
Well, many organizations use this disc assessment tool as a part of their screening process to identify the best personality that is ideal for the organization, for the role, and accordingly, those candidates can be shortlisted ahead. (Clear?)
Now, the disc assessment is also very effective to understand how one person would likely react in a specific team, what will be his management style? What will be his leadership style? And how will the individual behave in a particular team? Okay.
Well, Disc assessment is also used to assess the leadership skills, and on which course of action will the individual move? All such details can be obtained through disc assessment.
Now, pay attention to your screen. This is a disc sample report.
So, in this way, the report includes which of your dominant rates fit in different scenarios in this manner and what things would you like to focus on and which things would you like to avoid? What are your supporting capabilities? And what are your strengths? Everything can be easily detected by disc profiling. Okay.
Well, with this, the topic of scientific selection ends here. I hope everything is understood.
I will meet you with the next topic very soon.
Thank you.
(08:25-08:41 end music)
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