<p>Hello friends.</p>
<p>Come, now let’s talk about the “manual of policies and procedures”.</p>
<p>Now, look, “A company’s HR policies and procedures manual is a very important part of its communication program”. Okay.</p>
<p>Now, “a manual of policies and procedures that we also refer to as MaPP, provides managers and supervisors with a roadmap to deliver clear and consistent communications to employees regarding the company’s expectations and conditions of employment”.</p>
<p>Now, a company’s MaPP also formulates the guidelines for,</p>
<p>– “A systematic approach to HR policies and practices”.</p>
<p>– Then, “providing fair and equitable treatment to the employees”.</p>
<p>– The guideline also states about “forming the basis for the organization’s handbook, how to train the supervisors and managers and the context for employee orientation”. Okay.</p>
<p>– You can also get a “clarification of the relationship between the company and all of its employees”.</p>
<p>– Also, it helps in “resolving difficulties and misunderstandings that may result from unwritten policies, inconsistencies and lack of communication”. Where things are not clear, results keep changing in every situation or if the communication is not clear, then in all these scenarios, manuals of policies and procedures are quite beneficial.</p>
<p>– Then, MaPP “clarifies the lines of authority and responsibility” pretty well.</p>
<p>Now, let’s have a look at how the policies and procedures are developed before they are put in the manual.</p>
<p>Now, when the policies and procedures are developed, there are 4 key considerations. Namely,</p>
<p>– “Laws of the country”.</p>
<p>– “Social values and customs”.</p>
<p>– “Management philosophies and values”. And, lastly,</p>
<p>– “Financial impact”.</p>
<p>Well, first of all, let’s talk about the “Laws of the country”.</p>
<p>In any country, there are labor laws, and legislation pertaining to the labor or the workforce. They are governed by statutory law. And when the organization is developing its policies, these laws must be followed.</p>
<p>Now, these laws can be on a country level, state level, or city level as well. </p>
<p>Therefore, when an organization develops the policies, they need to consider the laws on each level and draft the policies accordingly otherwise some problems might be created in the future.</p>
<p>Let me give you a classic example of this.</p>
<p>According to the factories act, the women employees are not permitted to work on the factory premises after 6 p.m. However, in states like Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, they called this unconstitutional and allowed the women to work the night shift as well.</p>
<p>So, whenever you draft a policy, you need to consider it on a central level and a state level as well.</p>
<p>Sometimes, you might need to refer to the landmark decisions regarding your state so that you can have enough clarity about things. (Clear?)</p>
<p>Then, the second key consideration is “social values and customs”.</p>
<p>When an organization is working in any place, it is very important that you give a lot of importance to the local customs and values. And whatever communities are around, their customs, values, and their celebrations should also be taken into account while framing the policies.</p>
<p>Now take for example, in some states some specific festivals are celebrated which are not celebrated in other states. So, in what ways will you adjust both of these in the holiday calendar?</p>
<p>For example, if you are operating at a national level, and you have operations in state X and state Y also and both have some state-level leaves based on their culture, and socio-cultural aspects, then how will you integrate this particular thing into your leave policy? You can either give an optional leave by giving a single day leave or you can give an optional leave in which the employee has the option to choose. (Clear?)</p>
<p>Then, the third consideration is, “management philosophy and values”.</p>
<p>Now, when it comes to employees, the management philosophy and values influence its actions to a large extent.</p>
<p>Therefore, if the broad philosophy and set values are not clear, it becomes very difficult for the employees to understand the management.</p>
<p>So, the management’s philosophy should be very clear and to the point so that the employees can understand their role in the organization.</p>
<p>Then the last key consideration is “financial impact”.</p>
<p>Now, the HR policies might ultimately overburden the productivity or the overall finances of the organization or a red-tapism can start in the organization.</p>
<p>Therefore, the organizations will have to consider how realistic and up-to-date the policies are because these have the potential to create issues among the employees.</p>
<p>Now, suppose there is an organization where for a very long time, single shift operations were conducted. And suddenly, the organization has decided to work in 3 shift operations.</p>
<p>The A shift is from 6 in the morning till 3:30 in the noon. Then, shift B is from 2:30 p.m. to 12:10 a.m. and shift C is from 11:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning. These were the shifts.</p>
<p>But now the employees are expected to come in the A shift for 2 weeks, then immediately move to shift B and then to C. Also, the working days were 5 before, they want to change it to 6. (Got it?)</p>
<p>Now, as you can imagine the employees do not get much time for transition. What will be the result? The employee’s health will start having an impact due to which there will be more absentees.</p>
<p>Eventually, this will affect the company’s financials as well. Why? As they won’t get the required output, the final end product cannot be obtained and due to this, the market demand cannot be fulfilled. And ultimately there will be a shortage of the products of that particular company. (Right?)</p>
<p>Eventually, when that product is not available, people will start looking for alternatives and the company will lose out on its market share. Okay.</p>
<p>As you can see, due to a single decision, a chain reaction is triggered that impacts a lot of assets to a major extent.</p>
<p>Now, when we start drafting policies, how should we develop the manuals, and what are the steps of its process? The process is very streamlined and simple.</p>
<p>It starts with “establishing the goals”. Then, you “develop your action plan”. Then, you start “implementing the plan” and ultimately you start “monitoring the results”.</p>
<p>Now, let’s understand what happens in each of these stages in detail.</p>
<p>When we talk about establishing goals, the very first thing that comes to mind is how should we write the manual of policies and procedures. Right?</p>
<p><br /> Now, suppose you assign someone to create this policy document but you didn’t clarify the end objectives and goals, it is not only wasteful but it could result in a major company objective being misstated or omitted.</p>
<p>Therefore, before you even begin, first of all understand what you are trying to accomplish and confirm that understanding with your senior management. So, once our goals are established, we then need to create our actions plans.</p>
<p>Now, when the plans are formulated, you have to determine and sequence the tasks required to accomplish your goals.</p>
<p>Well, all the tasks that you identify in your action plan, some finer details like who will get what responsibilities and what resources are required to accomplish your goals are also included. Okay.</p>
<p>Your action plans task must include some basic things like,</p>
<p>– “Identifying and prioritizing a list of policies and procedures your organization needs”. So, first of all you need to make a list of all the policies that are required in your organization and how to draft it?</p>
<p>– Then, you need to take the permission for development from your senior management.</p>
<p>– Once you get the approval, you can start developing your policy statements for each of the subject that you have identified.</p>
<p>– Then, the policy statements are again sent for approval to the senior management so that there is no understanding gap and it aligns with the understanding of the senior management. Only then, you should proceed.</p>
<p>– Then, you start “developing the procedures for implementing and administering each policy statement”.</p>
<p>– Furthermore, you will again take the approval, but for the procedures this time.</p>
<p>– Moving on, you will publish and communicate the completed and approved policies and procedures to your employees.</p>
<p>– And finally, you will establish a periodic review so that if any policy or procedure is obsolete, they can be catches by the reviews itself. (Clear?)</p>
<p>Now, once you complete these steps, you will be required to identify a work team. And each employee will have different roles like;</p>
<p>– “Who will be in-charge of MaPP drafting and revision?”</p>
<p>– Then, “who will participate in this process” from starting to end?</p>
<p>– “Who will approve the MaPP project work?”</p>
<p>– “Who will be responsible for publishing and communicating?”</p>
<p>– “Who will be responsible for updating the MaPP and to ensure that it remains useful in the future as well and relevant to the needs of the organization?” (Understood?)</p>
<p>Now, the action plan that we have made, where will it be applicable?</p>
<p>So, to “prioritize our objectives”. “Focus thinking”. We can think in a specific channeled manner.</p>
<p>Then, to “organize our time and resources”. “Stay on track” so that we do not get digressed somewhere else while creating the policies and procedure.</p>
<p>Then, “monitor the progress and resources” continuously. And if there are any challenges, then the plan can revise and accordingly the objectives can be tweaked again. This cycle goes on and on. Generally, this is an iterative process. No organization can come up with a full proof plan. The plans and policies keep changing based on the scenarios and the need within the organization. Okay.</p>
<p>Now we already have an action plan, right? It’s time for implementing your action plan.</p>
<p>To implement, first of all you need to understand what are the needs of the organization and based on those needs you need to identify sources of information. Okay.</p>
<p>Now, based on this case study, answer the questions in the discussion section below and discuss the concepts of the learned applications with your fellow learners.</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>(<strong><u>15:11-15:22</u></strong> end music)</p>
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