Post Job and Source Candidates from LinkedIn
Hello Friends!
In the last session, we saw a walkthrough of
In today’s session we will see how to post jobs on LinkedIn.
The recruiter account of is a paid one. And as a freelancer recruiter or if you are entering this recruitment industry for the first time then it may not be conducive for you to take up a premium membership and avail the recruiter account.
So to begin with, you can start off with LinkedIn as well where you get an option for post a job for free.
As soon as you click on it, you get this page. Here, you can enter the job title, like “Senior Software Engineer”
Which company are you hiring for – can be mentioned here.
Workplace type – are you providing work onsite or is it hybrid or is it a remote job.
So let us say for example it is Hybrid.
Then is Job location, let us take location as Ahmedabad in Gujarat.
Then is the employment type – whether it is a fulltime employment, or a part time, or is it contractual or a temporary job, or is it on voluntary basis or is it an internship.
Here, I am choosing the option of “Full time”, and I will get started.
Then on this page, you have an option to enter the entire detailed job description. Here, as you can see, I already have a tentative job description for the role I wish to hire.
So as per the industry standards, I have a job description curated and pasted here.
Then we have skills, where we enter the relevant skills like “Object oriented programming”, “software development”, so on and so forth.
Then the next is, “How did you hear about us?”
For this, we have a list of options to choose from.
Then as we click on “Continue”, this page opens up.
“How would you like to receive your applicants?”
Is it through an email or through an external website?
If you choose email then you will have this option where you need to feed in your email address and thus all the applications of the applicants will come in to that respective email id.
If you wish to add a couple of screening questions, then you may do so from here.
For example:
“Have you completed the following level of education?”
Say for example, I want the applicant to have completed his Master’s degree and it is a “Must have qualification”
“How many years of experience do you have using a Tool or a Technology?”
Say for example “databases” or “MS excel”, or whatever it is.
If I want to change this and want to mention “Python programming language”.
And here in this section I want to mention……..(pause)
And minimum 1 year experience.
And if you want you can check this box that is “must have qualification”.
You can customize this based on whatever you require.
If you want to add a few more screening questions, you can mention here.
Then, here you have an option of “Qualification setting”
You can “filter out and send rejection to applicants who do not meet any must have qualifications”
So an auto email gets triggered which states that:
“Sorry”, your profile has not been shortlisted.
You should select this option, so in a way you will respond back to the rejected ones and you are also able to move forward with the ones who meet your requirements.
Then, from here you can preview the entire job profile and if you feel this is good enough to post then you can post this job from here for free.
Once the job is posted, this job will start getting reflected into the LinkedIn accounts of the users. And whenever they search for the relevant keywords, your this job will get reflected to them.
And once they apply, their applications will get collected in your email id and then you can proceed ahead with your respective selection process and criteria.
And with this we come to an end of the tutorial of “how to post a job on LinkedIn”
If you have any questions or queries, then you may please click on the discussion button and discuss with your co-learners. You can learn from their experiences and can understand how they harnessed the features of LinkedIn and also how LinkedIn is helping them in their day to day work life in sourcing the right candidates.
After having posted a job on LinkedIn, many times we may still keep on updating the details of the job on LinkedIn. Why does this happen?
Either because our criteria have changed or we aren’t able to scout for the right candidate who fit into our requirement. In such scenarios, we may have to edit the job details.
Now, how do we edit an existing job that is Live?
So as we did before, we need to go to “Manage Job Posts” and there on the home page itself “Posted jobs” option is available. As soon as you click on it, you will have the following options:
Closed and
Since, I don’t have any job readily available that is posted, I am picking up this job post that is available to me so that I can demonstrate on how to edit a job.
I hope you all can see these 3 buttons, click on it.
Then click on “Manage Job” option.
Here, on this corner, you have this editing option. On clicking it, you will be able to edit your existing job post that you had created. After making the necessary changes, you can click on Preview to preview your job post and if you find it perfect then you may go ahead and post this particular job.
So friends, so far we have seen how to post a job on LinkedIn and also how to edit an existing job.
Now, let us see how to view the applications received against the job we had posted. That is, how to manage all the applications that have been received for the job we had posted.
While we wanted to post a job, we had clicked on “Post a Free Job”. Once the job has been successfully posted, this “Manage job posts” option gets enabled.
Let us click on it. As you see, a new dashboard gets opened up. We have jobs under “Draft” and few jobs under “Closed”.
So let me show you with the help of an example from the “Closed jobs” section.
Let us take this “Talent Acquisition Specialist” job
When we open this job, all the applications received against this job opens up. All there details are visible here.
From here, we can rate those applications, message them. We can also check out their details profile and also their contact details.
And once we rate the applicant as either a “Good Fit, or “May be” or “not a fit”, then from here we can shortlist and take actions.
Apart from these, we also have other options like “sort by relevance” or by location.
For example, if I want to have candidates from Ahmedabad location so I can sort accordingly.
Did see friends, we have got applications from our desired location only.
Similarly, if I want applications with 3-5 years of experience, then from here I will select it and thus our results will further narrow down.
As you see, I just have 1 application who exactly match all my criteria.
So, this is how you can end to end manage your applications and this will enable you to look for only the right candidates amongst all the applications that you have received. Thus, you will be able to shortlist the candidates based on the desired criteria which in turn will save a lot of time, will help you to reach out to the right candidate in a short time and onboard them for your organization.
That’s all friends, Thank you!
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