In Ruby, every object has a boolean value, which means it is either true or false in a boolean context. Those who are "truthy" in this context are "truthy," while those who are "falsey" are "falsey." Only true and nil are "falsey" in Ruby; everything else is "truthy."
Ruby is an outlier in that it lacks a Boolean data type, despite having explicit values to represent true and false. Instead, in Ruby, the one instance of TrueClass represents truth, and the sole instance of FalseClass represents lie.
Two strings or boolean values are equal if their length and value are the same. To check if two strings are equal in Ruby, we can use the double equality sign ==. A boolean result of True is returned if they are both the same length and content. Otherwise, False is returned as a Boolean value.
In order to convert a string to a Boolean, you will need to use the Boolean() function. This function takes in any type of data and converts it into its boolean equivalent. You can then use this boolean value for whatever you need it for.
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