Using the error page and the isErrorPage function. % @ page errorPage="exception.jsp"% > Syntax: % @ page errorPage="exception.jsp"% >
Make an attempt to catch Block. This approach is recognized for directly capturing exceptions using a try-catch block, similar to core java. Example.
Configuring the web.xml file.
In JSP, there are two ways to handle exceptions. They are as follows: The page directive's errorPage and isErrorPage properties. The web's error-page> element.
Exceptions in JSP arise when the developer makes a mistake in the code or when the system encounters an internal problem. Exception management in JSP is the same as it is in Java, where we use Try Catch blocks to manage exceptions. In contrast to Java, JSP has exceptions even when there is no fault in the code.
When an uncaught exception is encountered, the page directive's errorPage attribute can be used to redirect the browser to an error processing page. If an uncaught exception occurs during request processing, the browser will be sent to the JSP page error.jsp.
Exceptions in JSP arise when the developer makes a mistake in the code or when the system encounters an internal problem. Exception management in JSP is the same as it is in Java, where we use Try Catch blocks to manage exceptions.
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