The ViewGroup RecyclerView holds the views that relate to your data. Because RecyclerView is a view, you may include it in your layout just like any other UI element. A view holder object defines each individual member in the list.
The following are the steps to use a RecyclerView:
Create a model class that will be used as the data source.
To show the items, include a RecyclerView in your activity.
To visualise the item, create a custom XML row layout file.
Make a RecyclerView for your application.
To populate the RecyclerView, bind the adapter to the data source.
When you need to tweak your list or want better animations, RecyclerView comes in handy. People had a lot of trouble with ListView's convenience methods, which is why RecyclerView offers a more flexible alternative. The most significant adjustment you'll need to make in order to migrate is to your adapter.
Some best practices to keep in mind when using an Android Recycler View are:
Use the most appropriate data type for each item
Ensure that items are not too long or too short
Keep your list of items up to date at all times
The Android Recycler View is one of the most widely used design patterns in Android apps. It can be used for displaying content such as images, text, and even video clips. The Recycler View also makes it easier for users to navigate through the app by allowing them to swipe on any item in the list or tap on an item to see its details.
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