Couple of examples are in hindi, scripted in English
Hello Friends, welcome to Learnvern.
In the last session, we learnt about the best practises in the field of creative writing.
We saw the best practises that can be used to generate better content and produce a creative output.
And we also discussed the practises using which your engagement will increase a little.
In today’s unit we will talk about the case studies. We will talk about the brands. We will talk about the creative content published by these brands on the social media platforms. How are they posting those content, how are they creatively portraying it and how are they growing their platforms.
Before we move on to our example, I would like to share 2 to 3 points.
If we use emotions, our engagement may increase a lot.
You would also have seen that along with emotions, people also make use of emojis a lot especially on Instagram.
So emotive language is fetching a lot of engagement these days. So you should also make use of emojis in your status messages or on social media posts.
You can use any emoji, use it creatively.
I will suggest you try an experiment.
Publish one post where you don't use emojis.
And publish another post where you make use of emojis creatively.
After posting, check out the engagement and reach for both.
Check out which has fetched you more engagement and which has generated less.
If you have published 4 to 5 posts, gradually you will notice that the posts with emojis will generate a little more engagement as compared to the post published without emojis.
This is because, use of emojis leads people to take interest, to interact, to comment on the post or like the post or even share and save the post, that is they will take action on the post.
Thus the relevance of emojis on social media is growing rapidly.
Let us further understand its benefits.
The very first benefit is that:
- It engages the reader - if you have used any emoji for example “haha” emoji, or used the rocket emoji or the heavy lifting emoji - so automatically the reader starts connecting himself to that post and thus leading to an increase in the engagement.
- Characters form a connection with the reader - a strong connection gets built with the reader. As soon as he reads, immediately he will develop a connection.
- As a brand I may want to share an emotion with the reader, I may want to convey emotions and can give an in depth scenario to it. If i express my emotions openly so you as a reader, as an audience will be able to connect with it and immediately you will be able to respond to it
- Also this enables the author to express themselves.
Here, I have taken a few examples of my favourite brands.
Zomato - I am sure you all are well aware of this brand. They are highly active on social media platforms. They publish a lot of memes. They publish a lot of content too.
As you are able to see from my screen, the very first example is:
“2 minutes after placing an order”
This is the meme of Hera Pheri, a very famous Hindi movie
“ab tak to usko aa jana chahiye tha”
Which in English means
“By now it should have reached us”
People who have watched this movie will be able to relate to it easily.
Many people have liked this meme and have added “haha” emoji and many have commented on it too.
So they have portrayed this in a very creative manner.
I would insist you to pause my video and read these conversations.
This is Zomato’s behind the scenes
This is when Zomata runs an Annual sale campaign “No cooking July” which takes place in July every year.
Zomato has posted a whatsapp conversation of their CEO, Finance and Growth team, which is very engaging. So please pause the video and read through the conversation as it will help you to know how creative the conversation is and i'm sure you will laugh on reading it too. In all, this is very entertaining content.
What is the area of a circle? Pie R Square.
And the area of Pizza? Pyaar Square.
How creative content this is.
Look, there are no images. There is nothing in it. Just on a black screen they have published it creatively.
There is a large segment in India. That is a pizza lover, they love pizza very much. A community is there that is very passionate about Pizza. They love pizza very much as a, as a food.
So definitely, this post is for those people, those are the die hard lovers of pizza.
Zomato had posted a very good social media post.
If you recall, a few months ago, bitcoin crashed badly. If you publish any content in a news centric event it is called Moment marketing.
There is a saying, a proverb in Hindi, “Beheti Ganga main Haath dhoo lena”
Which in English means, “to wash your hands in the flowing river.”
So this bitcoin thing has also worked in these lines only.
Bitcoin’s river was flowing and brands had washed their hands in it.
So this dip hurts. Of Course it does.
All those who had invested in Bitcoin had to bear a big loss.
But this dip - when you dip a biscuit in a cup of tea and a part of the biscuit falls in it.
This dip also actually hurts a lot.
This post, the creativity in it was appreciated by the audience and many of them commented on this example too.
Almost 11 thousand people have liked this post.
There was one more post that was trending in hindi :
“Ye lo, chai pee lo”
“Sunday ke din sote sote thak gaye honge”
Which in English means:
“Take this, have some tea”
“Must have been tired of sleeping on a Sunday”
So again this is an interesting content that they had published.
If you check on the comments section:
Zomato: Patta lagao weekend kaga gaya,
In English that is,
Zomato : find out where the weekend went
So as the character says since you have been sleeping the whole day on a Sunday, you never realised where the weekend went.
Now this was another interesting post by Zomato.
This was during the Covid lockdown.
So there was a hoax going around.
At that time everything was shut.
Many people that time were roaming wearing Zomato's t-shirts.
So Zomato had posted “Does anyone want this t-shirt to roam around on a Saturday Sunday, if so then the rent is Rs. 1000”
They had uploaded a post. In the first line itself of the post it is written.
“Meri shaktiyo ka galat istemal ho raha hai maa.”
In english, it goes as, “My powers are being utilised for ill purposes, mother.”
See how creatively they have published this post to engage their audience.
They also informed their audience that, you should not fall for these things. And this is totally a misinformation that has been spreading.
Now, let us talk about creative writing in packaging, it is used widely in packaging as well.
This is a brand that I follow and the name is “Whole Truth”
If you look at its packaging, very creatively then have printed
“Contains zero sugar”
If you see, they have scratched off the zero that was written.
Also with an arrow then have added their attributes.
So their packaging looks very cool, the fonts they have used and their content is very appealing and engaging.
Now this is one more design content.
“The bar might get dry and release some nut oil over a period of time.
Don't worry! That’s just proof it has nothing that came out of a chemistry lab”
So with this content they have made it very very clear that all the ingredients are all natural and nothing has been cooked scientifically in a chemical lab.
Even on social media, they have posted engaging content.
They had published that if you are vaccinated then you are eligible to receive a 25% discount.
“Shots get you lots”
This is a very engaging hashtag that they had created
And the same they had published on social media too
Even if you check their website, they have posted creative content there as well
If you scroll down their website to the footer, you will see:
“Hi, you have reached rock bottom. Things usually only go up from here”
“Here’s proof. Sign up for our mag. Get 10% off on your next order + Free weight loss e-book”
Very creatively have they published the content on their website.
Then I have one more example, which I have picked up from their website only.
“Many people ask us - I dont go to the gym, are these bars for me?
Well if nuts & dates and milk are for you, then these bars are for you and for your parents and for your kids”
So basically protein bars are usually consumed by those who work out with heavy weight lifting, who go to the gym. But here they have clarified that these bars are for one and all.
I found this very interesting, if you check out contact us on their website.
Usually contact us is a section which is very boring, and does not have much information.
It just has your company address, email id and a phone number.
But here they have added a few creative lines.
“If you are here, you either love us or we screwed up, usually the latter. Allow us to make it right”
So they themselves have admitted that they have screwed up.
Then they have mentioned their mailing address and other details.
Next is an example of Energy bars. Here also they have made use of good content as you can read on the screen.
Even the hashtags used are also very interesting.
I would like to share another example. If you recall, I had mentioned storytelling. There are 2 pages for storytelling that you can follow, you can check out.
One is Terribly Tiny Tales, TTT is a very engaging and a famous community on social media, facebook, instagram. It publishes small and short stories
And the other is Terribly Dank Tales, TDT. It has over 2 million followers that is over 20 Lakh community on social media and they post very interesting content like:
“Stress kaffi hai challo parents se thoda baat kar leta hu,
Few minutes later, mistakes were made, and I should Die.”
In english it goes like, I have a lot of stress, so I should talk to my parents.
But a few minutes later, Mistakes were made and I should Die.
So they have posted very creative content.
“ I learned from my mistakes so I decided to make more mistakes to learn more.”
If you read this, I'm sure you will find it very funny and entertaining.
I want to share 1 more case study of social media - it is about a dating app named “Bumble”
It engages its users with quirky content.
So as you can see on the left is their image
This image is of a messaging platform
Where someone is messaging “good night”
And is asking:
Did you mean: “hugging my pillow, wishing it was you”
So of course it is a dating app and hence the interactions will be romantic
This is how they publish content
Over 5 thousand people had liked this post.
“Find someone who moves you, even as the world stands still”
So such interesting content they publish on their social media channels.
That is all for this session. If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
In the next session we will start our new module and we will learn how to develop social media strategies and how to develop social media content strategy.
So far we have seen what is creative writing and how do brands publish creatively.
Now we will learn how on social media, if I have a facebook page or I have an instagram account then what should I publish there, when should I publish and how should I publish my content, by which I can ensure maximum engagement.
That is all for today. Good Bye.
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