Hello Friends, welcome to LearnVern. In our previous topic we took an understanding of what social media is.
How many types of social media exists and
Which are the leading social media platforms
Let us move on to today's unit wherein we will understand the number of users in Facebook, instagram and Youtube and also the activities they perform on these platforms. We all know that today Facebook is the biggest and most popular social networking giant in the world. Facebook also owns a lot of entities and they are instagram, whatsapp and also facebook messenger. So these entities are the biggest entities of Facebook. Apart from these, there are other entities as well that Facebook owns but in today’s session we will be discussing more about these 4 only.
As you can see from my slide about the facebook users in India. How many users as on date are actively using Facebook in India.
So in India, there are around 320 million users of Facebook. Out of which 23.8% are females and 76.2% are males.
If we talk about percentage change quarter on quarter, then the advertising reach that is the number of users are increasing at a rate of approximately 3%
Whenever we post on Facebook, people start
commenting on it or
like it or
Share the post with their friends.
So, come let us understand the engagement benchmarks of the posts on Facebook. And in this slide we will also try to understand the type of post that performs the maximum.
As you can see from my slide “average total post engagement versus page fans photo post” which means that any photo post, that is a photo if it is shared on this platform gets around 0.16% of engagement.
And if we post just a status, that is a simple plain text status message then it gets around 0.10% of engagement.
So as you see 0.16% as well as 0.10% that is photo and status drives the maximum engagement.
Any video post gets around 0.06% of engagement and the one that drives the least engagement is the link post, in this post a link is published by which a Facebook’s user is diverted to another website.
Let us now talk about Instagram. Instagram is one of the popular social networks. Close to 140 million users of India are using Instagram as of date. If we compare the male is to female percentage, then the female audience is close to 27% and the rest 73% is the male audience. The most important thing i would want to bring to your attention is this: 16.7 %
That is quarter on quarter the increase in user base, the advertising reach is increasing at a rate of over 16% which is highest among all other social networking platforms. Thus we can see that the users are spending less time on Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, etc and instead are spending more time on Instagram.
That is all for today’s session.
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So what will be our topic in the next session?
We will be looking at Youtube, how big it is, what its statistics are. Along with it we will also understand the number of users on LinkedIn and Snapchat.
Till then, good bye.
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