Hello Friends, welcome to LearnVern.
In the last session we learnt what facebook groups are and how many types of facebook groups exist. We also saw how to create a facebook group and the steps to be followed to do so.
In today’s session we will understand about instagram.
If we want to create a new instagram profile, then how can we do it? We will also see the types of instagram profiles available.
AS you can see from my slide, in order to create an instagram profile we have 3 options available
You can create your instagram profile using email
You can create your instagram profile using your mobile number
And in case you have an active facebook account then you can login via your facebook account and using the same credentials you can create your instagram account.
As you can see this screenshot on your right:
“Log in with Facebook”
If you click on this option then instagram will prompt you to link your facebook account with Instagram. So you will then have to enter your facebook details here.
If you do not wish to link your existing facebook account with the instagram account or in case you do not have an active facebook account then you may fill in these details so as to create a new facebook profile.
As i had mentioned earlier that there are 3 types of instagram profiles:
Personal instagram accounts are used for individuals. Like I'm an individual, you as a learner are an individual, so we can create an instagram account for ourselves as an individual. We term it as a personal account.
Then the next is a Creator account. If you are an influencer or a content creator who does not have a registered business or an entity, you can create a creator account. To do so you need to select the option “Creator account”. The creator account has few added advantages and it helps you with professional insights and analytics.
Now if you are a reputed business or a registered entity, then you are expected to create a business account on Instagram which is usually meant for companies, organisations or institutions.
Got it?
Now, as you can see from my screen, this is a screenshot of a personal account. This is how a personal account gets displayed.
Now this is how a creator account gets displayed, as you can see here the example of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of FAcebook. This is his Instagram account.
On the top you can see the number of posts, his number of followers and how many people he is following. These 3 main things get displayed on any instagram account.
Blue tick - it means it is a verified account. Instagram has officially verified this account. So if any information gets floated on this account it means that it is coming from an official source.
The way we have “Like” in Facebook, we have “Follow” in Instagram .
If you wish that whenever a creator or any celebrity posts something then you should receive a notification or receive it on your news feed then you need to click on the “Follow” button. Thus whenever they post something the probability of it getting reflected on your news feed increases.
The last account that we will see now is “Business account”. Now if you are a big established business, you are a business house or you are an organisation then you on instagram will have to create a business account.
The difference between the business account and creator account is majorly in analytics.
Professional creators have a different set of analytics available with them whereas the business account holders have a different set of characteristics.
As you can see this is a Tata Consultancy’s business account example showcased for you.
On the top they have mentioned “TATA Consultancy services” as their title.
Next they have mentioned their domain, that is the field or the sector in which they work which is : Science, Technology and Engineering
Next you can see that they have described their purpose in about 2 lines, that is what this organization exactly does.
Next, as you can see they have updated their website as well that is:
Link Tree slash tata consultancy services
So in this way you can create a business account and this is an example of how the business account on instagram looks like.
That is all for this session. In case you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
In the next topic we will learn after creating a profile on instagram, what features can assist you in content creation. Thus how many features exist that can enable us to create good content and that too in an easy manner.
See you in the next session. Good Bye
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