AngularJS provides us with the $touched and $untouched states. These states are used to detect whether an element has been touched or not. This can be used to change the color of a given element when it is touched by a user. We should not think of these $touched and $untouched in AngularJS as a replacement for CSS animations. They just provide us with an alternative way to do so while still keeping the performance high.
The use cases of these $touched and $untouched states are endless, but they have been used in many different ways like making user interface elements appear or disappear, changing colors on hover, etc. Touching a component's DOM elements is one of the most common ways to interact with it. This can be done using AngularJS's $watch() function, which is also used for dirty-checking. The difference between touched vs dirty is that dirty-checking will trigger an event in AngularJS when the value changes, whereas touching does not. Dirty-checking allows us to know when a component has been modified without having to touch it.
The main advantage of using $touched and $untouched is that it helps you save time on your copywriting. The second advantage is that it helps you create more engaging content for your audience. They can also help you create a better brand experience by using the right tone of voice. You can use $touched and $untouched to generate content ideas in a few minutes, which then you can tweak and turn into great content with your own touch. You can also use the tool to see how people react to different types of content when they are exposed to them for the first time.
LearnVern is offering a tutorial on touched and untouched in AngularJS to help you quickly and easily understand them. As a developer, you'll be able to learn how to use these new features in your own AngularJS apps as soon as possible. It's designed for beginning developers or for developers who need a refresher on how AngularJS works.
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