Hello! Friends. Welcome to Learn Vern.
As we have seen in the previous topic, “secrets to get success in Sales Communication. The first and foremost point we have seen was “Understanding Needs of a Company”.
What are the expectations of the company from me, when I am newly hired or after being hired?
Now, the next topic we are going to see in “ Career in Sales “, is “Understanding the needs of Customers”.
Now, if we talk about the needs of the customer, the first need is ‘Trust’.
Within Trust, if we want to see more, they believe more in words.
For the first time when you are selling your product, service, or concept to the customer, the things that the customer has never heard, the things that the customer hasn’t known yet, these customers believe more in the words of the representative.
So, the customer has an expectation that whatever you are saying is correct and saying with a lot of integrity.
So, this generates Trust.
The second one is ‘Honesty’.
Whatever you are saying, is said with honesty. You are not manipulating any of it because you have to hit the Sales target.
You are not manipulating anything because they do not exist.
So, trust is the biggest thing and trust comes over reliability and responsibility.
If the customer gains trust in you and if he wants to trust you, then you need to take care of these two things very closely.
Speaking of the second is ‘Confidence’.
If we talk about confidence, it always comes from a ‘Product Knowledge’ basis.
No matter how good my confidence is, no matter how strong my body language is, no matter how good clothes I wear!
Right, But, unless I have the product knowledge, the confidence will not reflect.
For example, if the customer asks me any question related to a product or service,I cannot give any vague answer to it.
So, for this, I need to be thorough with product knowledge.
The second is, the ‘Objection Solver’.
If any objection or query comes from their side,I should have their answer.
When will this happen? If they have product knowledge.
If there is no answer, they also don’t give vague or wrong answers. Tell them with honesty that “Sir, to be honest, I have just joined and I do not know about this yet. But give me half an hour I will talk to my team and provide you the answer right away.”
So, when you give your answer with honesty, when you are ready to solve the answer by consulting others then this will always be appreciated by the customer.
Right! That you were confident. You don’t want to represent anything wrong.
The third is, “Expert Consultant “.
So, if we talk about ‘Expert Consultant’, he should know how much to negotiate with them.
Some existing customers are there who are already providing a huge business to the customer, with them more negotiation needs to be done to keep a small margin.
Here we will keep our margin less and provide them more profit in comparison to other competitors, even more than what we provide to others.
Do you need to know how to negotiate smartly? where the company is also not incurring any loss plus the customer feels satisfied.
And “Knows quick roads to solutions”!
If you have any sorts of problems, it knows quick roads.
As many times customers get queries related to products or services, then they have to go through a long road.
In that case, rather tell them to call you and say “I will directly get the job done for you. Feel free to contact me anytime.”
They want to see you as an ‘Expert Consultant’.
Lastly, “Personalized service” .
In personalized service, there are “Exclusive devices and offers”.
If you tell the customer that we are providing this offer for all and we are providing the same offer for you, then the customer will not want to take the offer.
But when you say that this offer is not for others but specifically for you, “only curated for you”.
If you represent like this, then every customer wants an individualized approach.They want individualized attention.
They will like when they are provided exclusive services and offers related to them, on the basis of their needs.
After Sales service promise! Right!
Many customers do not want to indulge in new services and new products because they fear that a person came and sold the product but after that, there is no trace of that person.
Neither that person nor the customers will conta ct. There will be no answer.
When you are communicating with the same confidence, pitching about the products and services or concepts, then you have to tell them,” whenever you have any queries, this is my contact number, this is my business number, this is my business card. You can call me anytime,I will be at your service always”.
Right! Because unless you have provided this kind of confidence, the person, the customer, the client will always have doubts before purchasing anything from you.
So if you don’t want this kind of doubt, you need to focus more on personalized services.
As an example, you can see a coffee mug here. When you go to Starbucks and you get your name written on it, it gives you a good feeling.
Coffee is coffee! The coffee will taste the same as the coffee.
But my name is written on it. It’s a personalized service.
If I have made to write my name, like this, especially garnish my name. If I am going to gift the coffee to someone and carve a heart on it or garnish a smile on it.
Then it looks like a specialized, individualized approach.
And that can make anyone feel special.
Then you have to try to provide a similar service, personalized service to them.
So that they can have a considerate feeling.
And, as you know If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
What we are seeing in the next topic is “Sales Communication structure “.
We have already understood what a career is, We have already understood what are the advantages, and We have already understood people's expectations as a company, and as a customer.
But now how I need to pitch, how to sell my products, concept, and services, and how to represent them in a nice way - That we are going to see here.
Thank You so much!
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