Hello Friends!
Welcome to Learn Vern and I am (your name).
You know in the previous topic, we saw how to use “Direct Closure”.
How we represented the conversation in such a great way in the flow, and how can we take it to ‘close’?
Now when I said, the next topic in “Career in Sales”, “Career in Sales” the topic we are currently seeing.
In it the topic we will see is ‘what is need based push '. And then I said, ‘my friends the movie isn’t over yet '.
It means the business is not over even after closing.
Here right now also there’s a little chance, where we can take this business a little forward.
Now before proceeding further, I can make you understand something, let’s say you are someday, let's say standing in a queue at Mc’Donalds.
You are waiting for your turn, you went there. You told them I want one Mc’ aaloo tikki burger.
But a little before that as you reach there, that lady says ‘welcome to McDonalds, how many I assist you'.
You want to dine-in or want a takeaway. From the start they give you two options. Dine-in or takeaway.
So what you say, dine-in OK great. So what’s in the order, there are enormous things.
You chose out of them let’s say Mc’ aaloo tikki burger. You said one Mc’ aaloo tikki burger.
You saw the price for Mc’ aaloo tikki burger is twenty nine rupees, as an example I don’t know.
Right. Just after as you said, Mc’ aaloo tikki burger, that lady or that gentleman will ask you ‘great sir single cheese or double cheese'.
Choose. What will choose single cheese or double cheese?
You have this in mind: should I choose single cheese, double cheese, single cheese, double cheese.
You chose single cheese so that it won’t cost your pocket much.
But actually it increased from twenty nine rupees, how did it increase? Because it also comes without cheese.
The option you never get.
OK I am so sorry Mc’Donalds, I am not trying to ruin your business. I am using this as a very strong example, that how can we close them?
And simultaneously how along with closing we can expand our business. You are the best example, who everyone needs to learn.
From where we all can learn. So in the engagement of a small conversation, like you saw there, by choosing between single cheese or double cheese, you didn’t choose without cheese.
And you already paid more money. They won’t be satisfied there as well. (sarcasm)
As soon as you place the order they’ll say, sir, add ten rupees more, you will get one coke, or can get one french fries. I mean they will still try to increase it.
And you will feel like Ok it will become a meal. OK, one french fries will come just by adding ten twenty rupees. Let's add it.
But when the bill comes, then you are surprised.
Right. So here how can we do “need based push”. Let’s understand.
So in it we will understand four topics very precisely.
So when to do it. Like I tried to close simultaneously with it, before the final sign up, “sir if don’t mine me asking”.
Like this. Right.
So firstly “focus on pain points or greed” Of your particular customer or client.
Pain point or greed. Gluttony or their emotional touch because of which he is buying, it's important for you to understand.
“A little addition benefits more”.
Do a little addition, it would benefit you a lot sir.
“Helping in making better choices”
Right, means the options that I am going to give you, that will turn out to be a better choice.
Right. And “sheep effect”.
Lamb. Sheep, sheep is the word! Right.
So those who are our lambs, means those who…understood! Sheep! From which our sweaters are made.
How that will be used here we will understand.
Right, so “focus on pain points or greed”.
Now, can the pain points or greed of everyone be the same? Think. Impossible.
Everyone won’t have the same pain point, everyone won’t have the same greed.
In everyone’s case, there’s always a different individual reason behind buying the same product, same service, or same concept.
It is important to understand that reason. Is that emotional attachment, or is it based upon greed?
And who's not greedy? We all are.
Right. OK
So first of all “you have heard the talk”.
In the whole conversation till now, not only you spoke, you involved them too. When you involve them too, be a very smart observer, be a very great listener.
They will themselves leave a hint for you.
Like I am going to pitch an insurance, whose example we are using till now. And like I said I am not from the insurance line.
Right, please don’t worry. At the end of the session I am not going to sell you a plan like this. (sarcasm)
Right. OK, so.
You have heard the talk throughout the conversation. If you are selling insurance, you know he’s very close to his daughter.
So, sir, you would not like your daughter to get a support forever, after you leave her.
She would not ever have to spread her hands before anyone for her financial condition.
You will know he loves his wife, loves his parents, so keeping them in center, you have to give them an emotions based reason.
You are not luring the person, you are not luring much to them, you are not much…you know because you are not using those emotional boundaries much.
But that is the reason, because of which the person is buying that thing. Right.
So, if for that reason that person wants to buy that product, service, or concept, keeping only that at the center, the conversation can be more effective.
And talking about some people who have greed.
Wow! If I will put into this specific insurance, so my tax would be saved, great sir.
So this has this much limitation, why don’t you utilize the whole limit.
Where you are doing your savings, where you are securing your future and most importantly sir your tax would also be saved.
So there is greed, you can talk about greed.
Right. So you heard the whole conversation.
So if you have heard the whole conversation, so try to evaluate and understand in your mind, when they are talking.
They would have already left five, six points in your mind, evaluate it. How do I have to use this at the end of the conversation?
Because throughout the conversation, it’s just not the communication, it’s the evaluation.
This whole evaluation is going on.
And, at the end, pitch the talk. First I listened, evaluated it and now I will pitch it too, when I am doing a need based push.
That sir like you said, you are closer to your daughter, you are taking insurance of fifty lacs, that’s really good.
But if the monthly premium we were talking about, you get seven hundred rupees of this. Right.
Of this whole term plan that you are taking. If now I say, if you add only rupees two hundred a month your daughter will get seventy five lacs.
How about that? Getting twenty five lacs more, it’s good.
Whereas here you only have to give two hundred rupees more monthly.
So I am sure sir as she will get twenty five lacs more. I don't think you’ll not have any problem paying two hundred rupees more.
Here if I am talking with emotions, I have to keep my tone of voice low. Right.
And the same thing, ‘and sir as you were saying, that your tax is what you have to pay more’. ‘There you pay so much tax, you don’t even know where your specific tax is evaluated’.
Either, whatever investment you will make here, in it sir section eighty D, or eighty C, whatever tax benefit you get in that particular section you can avail that in this, sir.
So sir you would like to take this insurance in your personal name because of which you can get this specific tax benefit.
Or would you like to take it in the name of your wife. I say take for both. (sarcasm) Use it. Use it smartly.
Alright. So you heard, evaluated, now pitch the talk.
Now the second point is “a little addition, benefits more”.
Like we said in Mc’Donalds example, sorry McDonalds, but you are very smart.
So “supporting more greed and emotions”.
Right now here, when you’ll talk to them sir, a small addition and big advantage.
Like the previous example, you get fifty lac in seven hundred rupees. On the other hand if you will get nine hundred rupees you’ll get seventy five lacs.
Right. So one such greed or emotional attachment, sir if you will invest this much in this.
So because of it your savings will increase this much after one year and you will get only this much tax benefit.
But a little addition will increase your tax benefit and will increase your savings too and will increase the coverage of your health benefit.
So how about that sir?
So should support a little greed or emotion.
Right, and “lesser addition but double benefits”.
You can almost say like this, right.
That they should see this unbelievable benefit.
That wow only has to pay two hundred more and it will increase by twenty five lacs. I will just give four hundred rupees more a month and this much tax would get saved.
Right. So use that smartly, very smartly.
Are we clear with this part?
So now the next topic if we see that is “helping in making better choices”.
When you do need based push to them, sir should I do a talk for your benefit. Right,
If you’ll say this way, who'll say no? Think.
“Sir, I want to talk about something which will benefit you the most. May I?”
Yes, yes speak. Everyone will say this.
In helping in making better choices, first thing, “their benefit” that sir your tax will be saved, you have wife, kids, parents they’ll always shower you with blessings.
Right. “Result of their decision”. Because of your decision what will be the benefit. Sir, this much tax will be saved.
Sir they don’t have to spread their hands before any one, they will not be dependent on any one. They’ll always with you know get the feeling, that won’t even come without you.
It means, even after your passing away, you’ll leave them your so much support, that they never feel your absence.
So first and foremost is their benefit, even after you leave how better results it will give.
We are talking about passing away, this is because insurance field we are talking about.
We have taken its example.
Same way, you can take your specific product, or service, if I am going to sell a car. Sir I am sure your parents would need more leg room.
So at the back side this car provides you the most spacious leg room. So you’ll feel good, if your parents are going on a long drive, you are going very far, from one city to another, from one state to another state. So go comfortably.
That is why it’s important for you to buy.
And sir you like good speed, you like, you know good horsepower, so you are getting that in this.
So it's to their benefit. Are we clear with this part?
And most importantly sir, it has the best safety. This is our four star rated, this is our five star rated.
I am sure you would want to go out with your family. God forbid if anything unfortunate happens, your family will get least injured. Or no injury will happen.
Right. That’s why sir you should buy this car.
Right. So we will talk about their benefit, because of his this decision what benefits will be there to the people around him, we will talk about that.
Alright. And lastly “sheep effect”.
Right. Kshitij, what is this sheep effect?
In this, in sales? Yes
“BHED CHAAL” you would have heard this word in Hindi. Right. So if one sheep is walking, the whole herd will go behind it.
One sheep is falling into a pit, the whole herd will fall into it. Right.
So, actually this is in humanity also.
It's not a sad part, it’s not a very happy part too.
Sad part is for overall humanity, and the happy part is for people who are in sales. Right.
So first of all, “humans envy”.
They envy a lot of what he has, if I would have that so, it would have been good.
They have such good TV, if I had it would be so good. They have such good four wheeler car, if I would have the same four wheeler it would have been so good.
They have such good security, the savings, if I would have that savings…
Humans envy, always remember.
So whenever you are taking them during any closure, show them these sheep effects.
That sir you are taking for fifty lac, but if I tell the truth on this floor, you might be knowing priyanka XYZ, you would know this uncle, you would know this sir, would know this ma’am, they chose this plan.
They thought they would secure their family more. They thought rather than buying a mid range car, why not buy a top range model.
So I am sure sir you will like it too that two top end cars are there in the parking. Now who will say no.
Right. So use it smartly, always.
Right. So “humans envy”. Everyone should get it’s benefit, because if they are envious we will try to sell them the best thing.
Whatever that is best in the market. So for them it’s a benefit and of course for you also it’s a benefit.
‘If multiple people are saying yes, it means it’s worth saying yes’.
It’s always been considered that if ten people fall, l can also fall. We do this only right.
We see ratings. Right. OK more good comments, let’s buy. We are seeing more positive responses and we buy.
Although we haven’t ever used it, we are going to use it for the first time.
But we trust so much that based on ranking, we go for that object. In online many things are like that.
Just to let you know. So many comments that you are seeing, wow it’s so positive, its so positive, it’s so positive.
They are also paid comments. They try to sound all natural and by giving positive reviews have to increase the rating of their product.
Or increase the service rating.
So please be careful about this too. Right.
And this is how it happens. Right. So whatsoever is their envy behavior, of our humanity.
And if you will give an example of multiple people, that sir in this building seventy people signed up for this product.
Right, sir you would know everyone, all of them, sir in the adjacent building everyone.
Sir, you know this guy in the town, who is very famous. He's our customer.
Right. Sir, think of that celebrity’s car, you too have it. You are no less than a celebrity.
People always say yes to people for which they have heard a lot of yes.
Alright. So please be careful about it.
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In the next topic, yet, picture is pending.
In the next topic we will see references.
How to use references, because we are not ending our business here we need more, and we have to extend more business.
So how can we utilize references that we will see in the next topic.
Thank you so much.
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