Hello! Friends Welcome to Learn Vern. I am (your name).
As we have seen in the previous topic , how do we do “opening of a conversation ?”
How do we start any conversation? We have discussed three factors and have understood three effects which were very important.
Those were “SEE”, that is,”Smile, Eye to Eye Contact and Enthusiasm “.
We have understood how to use these three things and why they are so important.
Right! So let’s go forward with this topic and let’s understand the second step in “Art of Sales Communication “, which is “Eligibility Check”.
Now what is this eligibility check?
Do I have to check someone’s eligibility, do I have to authorize someone?, do I have to check their capability?
Hold on to all your questions!
In the eligibility check, we need to know two things first, that is , “if the concerned person”, the person you are meeting, “can make a decision on behalf of the company”.
If you want business on behalf of the company, then the person you are meeting is eligible to take decisions from the company’s side or not.
Second thing you need to know is “if the concerned person can make their own decision”
Can they make their own decisions?
Simple! We want to try to keep it as simple as possible throughout the course.
When at the end of the course, you will complete the course and start answering questions and answers after that we need to check your sales communication skills and move forward to a different level.
The more simplified way in which you will learn, it will be easy for you to apply this in your daily life,in your professional life.
So let’s see the first point-“If a concerned person can make decisions on behalf of the company “.
Can he take a decision on behalf of the company?
So why is this so important to know?
First of all we need to know whether he has a “Signatory Authority” or not.
This is the main point.If you need to do sales,signatory authority, whether he is financial head and whether he can take decisions.
Can he take decisions related to Contracts or not?,can he take decisions related to specific services or concepts or not?
This is very important for you to know.
Not able to make decisions and he has to go to someone else and escalate the decision and after that whether the decision will come positive or not is uncertain.
Plus when he will represent the topic, product, service or concept to the signatory authority, then whether he can represent with the same level of enthusiasm, same level of understanding, same level of convincing power, that also we don’t have an idea.
So the best way is to try to approach the Signatory authority who is the main Decision maker, only him.
Only then the conversation will be counted as fruitful.
Second is “Department Head”.
It is important to know if he is not the signatory authority at least is he the Department Head because you need decisions maker, sales manager but you are talking to the Receptionist , the entire conversation and present the entire presentation and then you will think that I meet so many people and represent in front of so many people but still there is no positive result.
This is because you are giving the right effort but not in front of the right person.
At the end of the conversation you will hear,”I cannot take the decision, I cannot take the decision, let me ask the Manager , let me ask my department head, let me ask my owner!”
Right! These are all the decisions that come. But why? Because at the very beginning you did not understand whether he was the signatory authority or not, whether he was department head or not.
If you had known that then your conversation would have been with the right person.
Second “If the concerned person can make own decision”
The person you are meeting, the person you are representing, may be he is not taking the decision on behalf of the company but can he take his own decisions from his own side?
Now what is this? Suddenly why would we jump?
I don’t know whether you have watched the highly recommended movie “Pursuit of happiness “
Right ! Now I don’t have any intention to promote this topic, promote this movie.
I am very impressed with that movie where there is a person, the actor who played the lead role has played a real life character.
Will Smith is the lead actor.
There a scene shows he meets a big business man and tries to get a big deal from there.
But during a friendly football match he says that I liked your approach but I won't be buying from you.
I am not going to buy whatever trading you are trying to sell me.
What he does -Now on the same field many visitors, many spectators came , and he started pitching them.
So , you know,he gets many individual contributions from them.
So try to understand first whether this is an “Individual Prospect” or not.
Maybe he cannot take a decision from the company’s side or there is a delay but if you want an immediate result then if you don’t get ten thousand people as a bulk but if ten group of people consist one thousand each then you are meeting the ten thousand.
Right ! So first and foremost check whether he is a prospective person or not.
Maybe the person to whom we are trying to sell the product , concept or services, we have to check whether he is useful for it or not.
Whatever service, product or concept I am trying to sell is helpful for the individual’s life or not.
Try to understand whether it has an individual prospect.
And most importantly “Every drop counts to an ocean”.
Drop drop fills a pitcher.Drop drop fills an ocean.
These are all proverbs I have heard.
So in the same way , it is not necessary that you bring one deal of one lakh dollars for a single month , it is not a problem if you reach one lakh by accumulating a thousand thousand dollars .
Right because as we have talked somewhere companies will also see in the long run whether you teach them.
If I am a newbie and I have come to learn under you then as an example you are a super duper salesman.
You crack a deal once a month but it is a huge one of lakhs of rupees. Cracks one deal but worth lakhs of rupees.
But being a newbie it will be difficult for me to learn how a person can crack such a big decision in a shot.
I will be impressed and I will be highly mesmerized by “what a deal you have signed up for” but the next question that will come up in my mind is ”can I do that?”
And the answer , being a newbie, will be,”No , No this is not my cup of tea!”
But If I cons istently crack two to three, three to four deals regularly that will be of thousands two thousands thousands two thousands that follows a consistent system where I have no personality involvement but rather it involves a system .
This is what we are learning. We are learning the system.
It is very difficult to copy a personality one hundred percent.
But it is very easy to copy a system and follow it.
So,”Drop drop fills a pitcher” that is by bringing in drop and drop of small deals that can accumulate to a big transaction.
As there was a small story, where you heard that there were two wood cutters.
A competition was held between two of them. One was strong and the other was like me, of average built body.There will be a competition in which , you know, who will cut more trees in the same time.
You should not cut trees. “Save Environment!”
Of course but this is a story and please take it as a story.
So the competition started and the strong man was there and they decided among themselves that they will give each other fifteen minutes of time, as to who can cut more trees in the given fifteen minutes
Then the competition was scheduled after two days.
On the first day as the preparation started both of them were preparing on their own, choosing strategies where to hit . These were the strategies they were preparing secretly.
When on the day of the examination and competition then the timer started for the two of them together.
In the first five minutes the strong person cut down five trees.
And the lean bodied person like (your name) could only cut three trees.
He is lagging behind in the first five minutes only.
In the next five minutes the strong person fastly cuts down three trees and here (your name) cut down three trees.
Getting it?It is getting Interesting!
Now in the last five minutes the strong person could cut down only one tree and here (your name), the person with the lean body cut down three trees again.
So at the end of the day both of them could cut down nine trees each.
Here I didn’t want anybody to win or lose but it was the difference between a person having a strong and a lean body.
It was between strength and, you know, smartness.
So you have already heard the story. Right?
So any person can come and ask “How can this happen? That he has cut five three one and you cut three three three continuously?”
The answer to this is that he has been working on his strength and trying to cut more trees but the more trees he tried to cut the more the shine on his axe decreased.
That is why minute by minute his number has reduced.
At this point, the person with the lean body used to rub his axe for one minute after cutting the trees every five minutes.
In the same way,if by taking good breaks and trying to fill your pitcher drop by drop then automatically you can match with the best performer of your company.
Are we getting very good things out of here?
Am sure you are getting it.
So,It is important to know “why eligibility check is necessary”.
First “To Save Time”.
You will like to put effort there where you can generate output.
Without getting any output, we are trying without any output , without any expectations, we will not try to put any effort there.
“Long term output,Short term output, Mid term output “. We always have an expectation for output.
First of all if you need to save time, if you don’t want to delay any further,if you don’t want to invest your energy time and again and if you don’t want to tell the same topic time and again in front of ten people in the same company ,that’s why you have to do eligibility check.
If I know beforehand who is the decision maker, who is signatory authority, can he take individual decisions, then only I will represent.
Then from the beginning of the conversation only I wouldn’t have wasted my time.
Second is “To put right input at right place “.
Here we will put the right efforts at the right place this is why our eligibility check is so important.
And last “To expect Right Output “.
If we want the right output then it is important to have an eligibility check because in place of telling the decision maker of the company, I am talking specifically to the front end Manager , ‘no disrespect to any of these positions’.
He cannot take decisions on the behalf of the company.
So I went with an expected output but I will fail to get that.
But after doing the correct eligibility check and approaching the right person then my chances to get the right output also increases.
Alright! This is how we can do eligibility check and get desired output because at the correct place correct effort will give you correct output.
So as you know during our entire course If you have any queries or comments, click the discussion button below the video and post there. This way, you will be able to connect to fellow learners and discuss the course. Also, Our Team will try to solve your query.
So in the next topic we will see “How to build rapport? “
And “How to build a connection with someone?”
Thank you so much.
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