Hello! Friends
Welcome to Learn Vern and I am (your name).
Like we saw in the previous topic about elaboration, how to elaborate our product,
service or concept with a big pitch?
How do we have to represent it with a big pitch?
How much time will be consumed in documentation, paper work for it? How many
signatures will be required?
How well can we represent this to anyone? We understood this.
And, in fact we also understood, how to maintain trust and integrity, when we are
representing our product, service, or concept.
Now, in “Career in Sales”, the next topic ahead is “Indirect Closure”.
Now, as we know “Indirect Closure”, we get three things in mind, what is it? Why to
use it? And, lastly, how to use it?
Right! Firstly, it is important to know what it is?
Ok, since now I know what it is, after that why use it? There should be a reason behind
- Right! Why should I use it? I can not skip it in the process, why not skip it?
We will understand all of this.
And, lastly, how to use it?
Right! So I should know the way out.
So, if we first find the answer to the question, what is Indirect Closure?
So, it is an indirect way, where we understand that the customer is interested in buying
our product, service, or concept.
Second, if we see, we here, are trying to take the conversation towards a positive
Because here we will ask them such probing questions to which their reply would be a
Where they will always be involved with you.
Right! So it’s an indirect way in which we involve customer, try to find out whether they
are interested or not, and we are taking it towards a positive closure.
Looking at what is next in “Indirect Closure”. Why is it important to use “Indirect
Why? Right.
So, firstly talking, ‘to know the interest'.
First thing to know is whether he’s interested or not. When I’ll use indirect closure,
where I am not directly talking about money, or buying.
Just trying to know indirectly. And, whereas if he shows his killed interest, or if any
customer will look less interested, or won’t look much attentive to me, right!
So, at the very moment, I will know he has something specific negative that I need to
convert into positive.
He has some objections that I need to solve.
Right. Every person you meet can be converted into a customer.
Right. Every person you are meeting, you can convert that person into a customer. That
depends upon whether the competitor pitches him better than you or you.
Because he will definitely buy either from you or from someone else.
So, why would we not want him to buy from us, right!
So, when I am using indirect closures, when he looks a little un attentive to me, looks a
little less interested.
So, I will then only try to understand the objection of that customer and try to handle it.
Before reaching to direct close.
Right! So this would be the biggest advantage of “Indirect Closure” that we would know
whether he’s interested or not.
Second, ‘not to sound rude’.
Right! Why is it important to use?
Because, in its previous topic we explained, that we make them understand the
Sir these are the documents will be requiring, and will need this much signature of
Any time later, if you would want to approach me, you can be in my contact and sir give
a cheque.
If would directly ask for a cheque, “directly do the payment process”, so, “this is your
If I will directly close like this, it will sound very rude, that the conversation was going so
smooth and suddenly a rough patch!
So just to not sound rude, we have to use it.
We first have to use at least one, one, two, three indirect closures.
That could be probed, that we can lead towards direct closure.
Right! Then next we talk about how to use it?
This too be known, it is most important.
Isn’t it?
That, we know what it is?
We knew why to use it?
But if the way for execution is not taught, then helpless
Right! Yes I know, yes I know how to do it, but don’t know the way.
So it has no meaning. Right.
So how to do it? The nods and the smiles. These are the best ways you can opt to
make any conversation involving.
Continuing… Yes, keep nodding and smile continuously, keep getting involved in their
Now of course, (your name) said to keep smiling, doesn’t mean, when they are talking
something serious then also you are smiling, because (your name) told.
No. Please use that presence of mind. Right.
Otherwise, keep your smile cheerful throughout the conversation.
Because everyone enjoys talking to a smiling face and that face should be yours.
Right! And, if want to convert anyone into positive, you have to nod continuously.
Right sir, yes sir, OK sir.
It’s the very best trick you can use in sales.
And, positive presumptions.
Now, what are these? I have to consider positive presumptions. That by now, the other
person whom you are pitching, who’s sitting with you, customer or client, the call hasn’t
closed yet.
But you have to think in mind, that he is going to buy.
So, if you have these presumptions in your mind, he will definitely buy it. Then only
you’ll be able to close it.
Otherwise it won't happen.
Right! So when I am using indirect closures, which has many different ways. Like, for
example I have gone for insurance, right.
And, if I’ll say sir you’ll be happy to know, god forbid if anything wrong happens to us,
but your kids will have a safety for life from our company’s side.
At Least for their education, and even your wife will get a specific income every month.
Now who will say no to this?
When we will ask such a question to which the answer will be an obvious ‘yes’, they’ll
will say yes only.
Right! If then also says no, yes, let’s consider the extreme side.
If then also says no, laugh. “Seriously sir”. Don’t say this without laughing, “seriously
Sir”. ( read like 6:40 - 6:46)
Don’t say like that.
Right. Please smile.
Right. So, like if we keep positive presumptions, that sir you’ll buy, then everything is
connected from one to another.
Right! I don’t have to already admit that he’ll buy.
Right. If as an example I am going for the booking a car, so for that customer, when I
am pitching him, “sir how would you feel going out with your family in a spacious car”.
And, I am sure sir you won’t feel good if you’ll buy a small compact car, where there is
arrangement for four people.
But what’s the use, if you can only sit after adjusting, can only sit feeling congested.
You won’t enjoy that, right sir!
What will he say? Yes I won’t enjoy it.
That’s why sir we have made this spacious car for you.
Getting it! So sir do you want this to get delivered on your birthday, because you said
after fifteen days is your birthday.
Or right now you want to do it pre-booking.
So, if the customer here is not interested, he himself will say, “no… I’ll see, I’ll come
And, if he is interested, “yes let’s book now, no no I’ll come on my birthday”. That means
he is interested.
Here, indirectly we are trying to know if he’s interested or not.
Right! But what have we thought, have kept presumption in mind, he will definitely
Only then it will happen.
Are we clear with this part?
So that is all about “Indirect Closure”.
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What we will see in the next topic is, “ Direct Closure”.
We have reached indirect closure, almost closing out the conversation.
Now, how to close it?
Right! That we will see in the next topic.
Thank you so much.
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