Hello! Friends .
Welcome to Learn Vern and I am Harshit Shah.
In the previous topic of “Pursuing Sales Career” we saw its second point i.e. “Fears of Choosing Sales Career”, that what kind of fears can be there and how can we overcome it.
And, having all those fears is very legit.
The next topic that we are going to see in “Career in Sales” is “Advantages of Choosing Sales Career”.
Right! What are its benefits? If I am thinking of taking a step towards a sales career.
Right! So the first thing, if we talk about is ‘Human Psychology'.
If we talk about human psychology, so usually what happens is, to know what’s going in someone’s mind is very difficult.
Right! Human is a complex machine.
How it’s programming is going on, what output it is going to come, you are not sure.
So, here when you actually interact with people, when you meet new people daily, then you’ll get to know what is their thought process.
What’s going on in their mind, slowly and gradually you’ll come to know.
Like specifically, if any person who’s in you front has a body language like this, hands Folded.
He’s not actively listening, he’s just listening.
Right! If listening by leaning too much, means he’s enjoying it. He’s paying attention.
Right! He’s nodding along with your nod, it means he’s getting involved.
Right! So what’s going on in his mind, you can understand.
Right! So human psychology.
Second is “Human Behavior”.
Now, behavior is how he responds.
Firstly, when you do a handshake, from there to when you make a courteous approach.
All the things you’ll understand there.
Now, as an example, a small example that many people miss interpret.
Now usually… preference is, during corona time, prefer not to touch anyone or not to shake hands with anyone.
But when everything will get normalize and we are hoping everything gets normalized soon.
And, when you handshake, this portion of your hand, I’ll show you one second.
This portion of your hand should meet the exact portion of the opposite person.
Right! So when you do a handshake, it should be something like this.
That’s how a perfect handshake is.
You can’t tell them, “sir do a handshake properly”.
But when you are offering handshake from front, try to handshake that particular portion of their hand.
Right! There are people who are resistant to shake hands.
Right! So avoid shaking hands with them.
And, specifically till the time corona goes away, till then try to avoid it.
Right! But when you handshake, it’s a behavior, how confident is it?
Like, when you are doing handshake, and with how much energy he’s doing handshake with you, from there you’ll know how positive he is.
Today, how much he is in an excited mood or dull mood, you’ll get to know it from there.
So, these are all behaviours that you will understand here.
Then, next is “Human Mindset”.
Now, it is very important to know, how their mind works?
Right! If he’s asking you a specific query, you should know, that from which tangent to which tangent he can take the conversation.
Here you’ll behave like a chess player. You should know what next move can be taken.
It means, if this specific objection is given to me, it’s reason can be budget.
If this specific objection is given, it’s issue can be associated with taking permission from someone.
If this specific objection is given, it means he doesn’t want to buy.
Right! So you’ll understand this mindset, that human mindset.
Inshort, these three qualities that we talked about; “Human Psychology”, “Human Behavior” and “Human Mindset”, actually are HR qualities too.
When you hire people into your team, you have to see all three things, because you have a short time. You have to decide, this person is going to be asset for your company or should you let them go.
Right! If they are assets, how are you going to understand? If only you are expert at these three things.
So, you develop these skills after meeting people, more people.
So it’s an advantage.
Right! “Soft Skills Development”, these are many things.
Like, we just talked about handshakes.
Apart from this, there are many soft skills techniques.
Like, if you get a visiting card from your site, so prefer to give it with both hands.
Like, you have a visiting card in your hand, so hold it with both hands, stand up.
Same way, you’ll meet many professional people, if they have the similar approach that they are giving you their visiting card with both the hands, so please show some respect.
You too stand up, and receive it with both hands.
Now, we can discuss a lot of things related to ‘soft skill development, behavioral development’.
But, our topic is “Career in Sales”.
But when, we are talking about giving it with both hands, and receiving it with both hands, the visiting card aren’t that heavy.
So why is it like that?
Since, they are showing respect to their business, so we have to receive it with same respect.
Same way, we will also represent our business with respect, that is why we stand up and hand it over to them with both hands.
So this comes in basic behavioral skills.
Actually I too didn’t even know this.
But, I met many people, from there I got to know of this.
Maybe, this won’t be taught to me in every school, and won't be taught in every college.
But, when I actually meet people, I get to learn this
So this is a big advantage.
There are many soft skills like, how you have to pull out a chair, even when you stand up and go, you won’t leave the chair just like that. Place it at its place.
Or, the answer that you have to give, how polite it should be.
Doesn’t matter how angry the person becomes, how you have to calm him down?
All these skills, these soft skills, you can develop, when you meet more and more People.
So it’s a big advantage.
And, after that, talking about “Exploring More Ideas and Businesses Trends”.
Right! Right now, many new ideas would be prevailing in the market, many new business ideas people will be executing in the market.
Now, about it there are two options, either you read about it on internet, and if it’s a new idea, not much would be written about it.
So you might not know about it, till the time it comes into existence, or till it becomes famous, until people write about it.
Or, the second option is that you choose sales line and meet such people who are into different businesses and working upon different different business ideas.
So, here your business perspective will get broadened.
You’ll get to know what lines are available, which future growth options are available.
Maybe, in future you too want to start your own business.
So, here you can take its ideas from many people, that how they started, how they executed and how are they going with the flow?
Alright, so here you’ll get to explore a lot of business ideas, trending business ideas, when you meet people face to face.
As you know, once you choose sales as a career, “Sky is the limit”.
Why “Sky is the limit”?
Supposedly, as an example, specifically I am in a management line, as an example in a finance line, of course this too has many growths.
If I am in the arts line, or I am in a different IT line, it too has many growth.
Every line has growth, but sales have too much.
Why? Because there, limited, unlimited, there are no such words, sky is the limit.
There, you can learn as much as you want, you can meet as much people as you want to meet.
The more you want to progress, the more progress you can make.
Because basically, starting from here you can reach up to the top level.
After reaching at the top level, if you want to start your own business, you can also do that.
If in the midst you want to leave and start something of your own, you can do that as well, because you have already gained a lot of knowledge.
And, then it will be in your blood.
It will be in your blood, talking politely to people, convincing people, converting people’s negative into positive.
So it’s like sky is the limit.
Whatever dreams you thought of, car, bungalow, stuff like that, usually we think.
These things can be easily available, because joining sales line means joining the incentives line.
Your one major income is on papers there, apart from this, incentive income is there.
Of course, it’s a white income which you also get.
So, usually in all other lines there is a fixed salary, respectable salary.
You too get that fixed salary, respectable salary, but also you are getting incentives.
So, I as an example who is in some specific line, not in sales line versus you who is in sales line.
And, we both would have spent the same time duration in our careers.
But your progress would have been faster, because your basic income was coming, along with which you were earning incentives as well.
But here I was only getting fixed income.
So, there is, sky is the limit related to finance.
The same amount of time that I am investing in my career, the same amount of time you invested in your career.
But even after investing same amount of time in career, I’ll not be as confident, to meet someone publicly, that you would have been.
Because you would already have met so many people, would have converted so many sales, would have handled many challenges, that’s why.
You understand.
And, like we have seen all the advantages.
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So, the next topic that we are going to see is “Secrets to Get Success in Sales Communication”.
Right! So what are those secrets that can get you success in sales communication, will talk about that.
Thank you.
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