What is Analog Input?
An Analog input converts a voltage level into a digital value that can be stored and processed in a computer. Why would you want to measure voltages? There are a multitude of sensors available which convert things like temperature, pressure, etc. into voltages. The voltages can then be easily measured by various kinds of hardware, and then read into a computer. The computer can then convert the voltage value into its original type (temperature, pressure, etc.). The value can then be stored or used to control something else outside of the computer.
As shown in the video, A0 to A5 pins are for analog input in Arduino UNO. When you want to take analog input, these six pins are used. Now design a circuit, which takes analog input, on Tinkercad as per video. Write a program and upload it. After the simulation, you will see the results.
In the video, with the help of potentiometer analog input is explained. In the next video, we will learn about serial input.
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