The HTML head> tag is used to define the document's head section, which contains information about the document. Other head elements in the head> tag include title>, meta>, link>, style> link>, and so forth. The head> element was required in HTML 4.01, but it can now be deleted in HTML5.
The html head is the initial portion of code in an HTML file that contains information about a web page's properties as well as connections to external relevant files. The title of the page, meta tags, CSS code, Open Graph tags, and JavaScript code, for example, can all be found in the HTML head.
The part of an HTML document that is not displayed in the web browser when the page is loaded is called the head.
It is necessary to have a head, and it should only be used once. It should begin immediately after the first html tag and terminate just before the first body tag.
Instead of putting JavaScript Script> tags in the head> part of your HTML, it's recommended to insert them just before the closing /body> tag. Because HTML loads from top to bottom, this is the case. The head is loaded first, followed by the body, and then everything within the body.
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