Feedback is more than just advise, praise, or judgement at its foundation. According to author Grant Wiggin, "effective feedback requires that a person has a goal, takes action to attain the goal, and receives goal-related information on his or her activities."
It encourages people to enhance their job performance by improving their abilities, promoting effort, and recognising results. Effective feedback, when included in a management strategy and offered on a regular basis, can reduce employee errors, improve performance, and promote workplace efficiency.
It's no secret that effective learning relies heavily on feedback. Learner confidence, drive to study, and eventually achievement are all enhanced by feedback. It's also what your employees desire: 65 percent of workers want more feedback. Feedback can take many different forms.
"I know your coworker made the deadline because you assisted her. I'll never say anything to her, but I want you to know that I recognise the importance of your assistance." “ Your suggestions were extremely beneficial to this project.
Positive feedback motivates people, builds their confidence, and shows them that they are valued. It assists people in comprehending and improving their abilities. All of this has a favourable impact on the performance of individuals, teams, and organisations. Giving positive feedback should be a natural part of your job as a manager.
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