The process of determining a computer, network, software, or device's capacity to sustain a given degree of efficacy under adverse conditions is known as stress testing. The method may include quantitative lab testing, such as determining the frequency of mistakes or system crashes.
The stress testing procedure is divided into five major steps: Preparing for the Stress Test You acquire system data here, examine the system, and create the stress test goals. Develop Automation Scripts: You construct the stress testing automation scripts and generate the test data for the stress scenarios at this step.
A stress test is used to assess the dependability and stability of your digital resources, such as websites, applications, and APIs. The goal of stress testing is to determine the breaking point of a website/application under extremely high traffic over time. It is also known as endurance testing.
A combination of performance and non-functional testing. It primarily focuses on the recoverability of the program or system to enable its easy recovery after failure.
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