Load testing is the technique of simulating numerous users accessing a software program concurrently in order to mimic the expected usage of the application. As a result, this testing is particularly applicable to multi-user systems, which are frequently developed utilizing a client/server approach, such as web servers.
Some simple load testing scenarios include: testing a printer by transferring a large quantity of documents for printing. Putting a mail server through its paces with thousands of concurrent users. Making a change in a big volume of data to test a word processor.
When to employ each of the four forms of load testing
Load testing is the first step.
Capacity testing is the second step.
Stress testing is the third step.
Soak testing is the fourth step.
Load testing is critical in the Software Development Lifecycle for several reasons: It mimics real-world user circumstances. It assesses how normal and peak loads affect an application's performance. It saves money by detecting bottlenecks and faults in real time.
Load testing determines the behavior of a system under normal and projected peak load situations. It is intended to test the system by gradually increasing the load on the system until it hits the threshold limit.
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