In this Django free course with certificate, we will be discussing all about how to fetch data from database in Django.
Django is a free and open-source web framework that supports Python programming language. It is used for building web applications with the help of database management.
Fetching data from database in Django can be done using different approaches like using SQL queries or using QuerySet. There is an advantage of QuerySet over SQL queries because it provides automatic filtering, ordering and pagination. In a Django project, you need to have a database model for your models.
In order to fetch data from database in Django, we need to use the following functions:
1. get_db_connection() - this function creates a connection to the database and returns it as a Database object.
2. get_query() - this function takes the SQL query string and returns a Query object.
3. execute() - this function executes the query against the connection and returns the result set as a list of models (or objects).
4. fetchone() - this function fetches one model from result set by its primary key value or unique index value and returns it as an object with all fields populated with their respective values (or empty if no match found).
The fetch function fetches data from the database by using various parameters like select, update or delete statements. Each fetch requires a $select call and a $limit statement. The latter does not need to be defined in the case of $count so it is always 1. The difference between $count and $limit is that the first refers to a collection size, while the second refers to an amount of items in the collection.
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