Hello guys, I hope you all must have completed your django course.
Here we learnt many things in django, we did learn a lot of things together practically and theoretically.
If i talk about topics, then i have taught you from the crash of django to advance with the web project, in the course.
If i talk more about topics then i started from the introduction of the django, where i introduced django to you all, like how it works, how it is used, how it is followed, how its flow works, all those things.
After that we moved on to installation of the django, where i taught you about installation of the django, mainly how to install django.
After that we moved on to admin panel
Where I taught you how the admin panel is created. How can you work with the admin panel.
I told you all those things.
Next we worked with an html and database.
Where I gave you a rough idea on html and database.
I told you about the database schema and all that.
Next we worked with the crud application, where we created a full crud application.
Even we integrated the template and all that.
Then we moved on to authentication, after that image uploading, java script, ajax.
We did all these things in django.
After that we created a django project.
Where I taught you how to take the project from the crash to the end.
Where i showed you database schema.
How is the database schema of a project decided?
What all tables are included, which templates are to be taken from where.
I taught you Everything practically in the videos.
I hope you all have seen those videos.
The ones who have not, first see those videos before this one.
This is a type of wrap up video.
It's a course summary video.
Where I told you the summary of the full course.
That's how we started the journey of this course and how we ended.
I have also kept the assignments of this course.
Also interview questions and answers.
You need to perform these things as well.
And also a project as an assignment is given.
So you will find an assignment in the end.
No topic wise assignments.
I have given one long assignment in the end.
Where you have to create a project in django.
And I already have explained how to make that project.
So i hope you will complete all this in django, as soon as possible.
And you will start your career as a django developer as soon as possible.
Thank You guys.
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