Hello guys. Welcome to LearnVern.
Today we are going to see Python Interview questions which will help you to easily crack any interview.
Let’s begin.
Our 1st question is -
What are the key features of Python?
Here you have to say why one should use Python.
First feature you’ll say is that Python is easy to learn.
It is an open source language which means it is easily available, it has a high community.
Python is an interpreted language. Interpreted language means it compiles line after line.
It is also an object oriented language.
Python is also called Short Code language.
You can give this as an answer.
Now the 2nd question is-
What are the keywords of Python?
You have to tell the keywords here.
Keywords are the reserved words in Python.
We cannot use them as a variable or as a function name or as any kind of identifier.
As it is already a reserved keyword.
And remember to list out a few keywords such as False, True, Def, Except, Boolean, Else, Import etc.
List out such keywords, okay?
3rd question is -
What is the difference between list & tuple in Python?
What will you answer?
You will say that the List is represented by the square bracket, while Tuple is represented by the round bracket.
List is mutable but Tuple is immutable.
With List, you can Insert, Update, Delete during the runtime but in Tuple, you cannot Insert, Update, Delete during the runtime.
List is slow & Tuple is faster than List.
You can say these differences as an answer.
4th question-
What are Local variables & Global variables in Python?
The answer will be that Local variables work under a particular scope.
For eg: you made a function & defined a variable under it.
That variable will work under that function only.
But if I talk about the Global variable, Global variable will be accessed throughout the program.
Because it is defined globally so the scope will be all over the program.
5th is -
What is List in Python?
You have to define what is List here.
You have to say that List is a collection in Python which is represented by square brackets.
List is mutable & you can Delete, Update, Insert here.
You can also insert multiple datatypes in List.
Next question is -
What is Tuple in Python?
You have to answer regarding Tuple here.
Tuple is a collection in Python which is immutable.
It is represented by a round bracket.
You cannot Insert, Update, Delete during the runtime.
And in Tuple as well, you can insert Multiple datatypes value. Okay?
Moving onto the 7th question-
What is dictionary in Python?
The answer will be that Dictionary is a collection in Python which is represented by a curly bracket.
There is a key & value pair combination.
Where your key is immutable while the value is mutable.
So this is how you can answer a question related to the Dictionary.
8th question is -
What is String? And is String mutable or immutable?
First you have to say the meaning of String.
Then say if it is mutable or immutable.
So, String is a collection of characters which is represented by double inverted commas or single inverted commas.
And String is immutable because you cannot change the string during runtime.
Next up is -
What is Type conversion in Python?
Type conversion is changing 1 data type to another. Okay?
Next question is -
What is the difference between Python Arrays & Lists?
So, Array is represented by square brackets and our List is also represented by square brackets.
But in Array, there is the same data type value.
However in List, there is multiple datatype value.
The size in Array is fixed but the size of the list isn’t fixed.
Array is immutable and List is mutable.
You can give out these points in the interview.
Moving ahead to the 11th question-
What are the functions in Python?
What will you answer?
Functions are used for the reusability of code.
It is represented with the Def keyword.
It is represented with the Def keyword & is used for the reusability of code.
Next question -
What is __init__ (underscore, underscore init underscore underscore)
Init function is represented as a constructor in Python which will be the 1st to run when your code runs.
With its help, whatever you’ll initialise, will be initialised first.
It is also called Constructor in Python.
Further ahead is -
What is a Lambda function?
Lambda function is represented by a Lambda keyword.
It is a one line function.
You can pass multiple arguments under this but its expression will never change.
14th question is -
How does Break, Continue & Pass work?
You have to talk about these 3 statements here.
Break is a statement in Python.
With the help of Break, at any point, if any condition is true & you want to break the process, break the execution, then you can use Break here.
Continue is used to skip during the execution.
And Pass.
Pass will pass the execution, it will keep the process in continuation.
Understood the 3 statements?
Next is -
What are Python packages?
Python packages are under which multiple modules are defined.
Next question is -
Does Python have an Oops concept?
The answer is Yes.
Python has an Oops concept like Class, Object, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction & Encapsulation.
So this is the answer you should give.
Next is -
How to import modules in Python?
The answer is...by using the Import keyword, you can import the module in Python.
By using the Import keyword, you can import the module in Python.
18th question-
Explain Inheritance in Python.
You have to explain the meaning of Inheritance here.
Through Inheritance, you can use any property of the Parent class into the Child class.
19th question is -
What is Polymorphism in Python?
You have to explain what Polymorphism means.
Polymorphism means 1 name but multiple functions.
Which further means 1 name having different meanings and multiple forms.
And there are 2 types of Polymorphism.
1 is Runtime & other is Compiled time.
Further in Runtime, there is Method Overriding & in Compiled there is Method Overloading.
Okay? Clear?
Last question is -
How will you get all the keys from the dictionary?
The answer will be by using the Keys method.
By using the Keys function, you can get all the keys from the dictionary.
If you use the Keys function, you will get all the keys from the dictionary.
So these were some of the Interview questions which can be asked in any interview related to Python.
And this is how you have to tackle them. Okay?
Thank you guys.
Have a nice day & All the Best!
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