Hello guys, today’s topic is requirements for devops. so in this we will learn about basic requirements for devops and we will also learn how to install some tools like VS code and WSL, so as we know devops is divided in two parts i.e. developers and operations. so we will see requirements also in two different parts, first developer’s requirement and then operation’s requirements, now as we talk about developers they need some tools like programming software, same is the case with operators side, so leaving this aside, leaving the softwares needed to work as developer, today we are going discuss some tools and softwares which are related to devops today.
So the most simple and first tool is messaging app, so now you might think we can use any app for messaging app like whatsapp or sms so why do we need to create one in devops, so as we know whenever we discuss something for example we have a software, if we have divided software in five parts, now for different parts there will be different discussion, if there is any query, discussions are happening separately. so now in whatsapp also we can make groups and discuss on that and we can make different groups for different parts but it will be difficult for us to handle it ,so because of these reasons different tools were created for devops which works for messaging, so if you want to do messaging or meet then you can use these tools but their features will be very advanced so such tools are available to us.
One of the examples among those is
- Microsoft teams, what all you can do in microsoft teams? in that you can make channels and you can also attend meetings, you can chat and you can create different groups and work on that and it will be same like whatsapp but here you can also track the discussion,
- similarly we have another tool which is open source i.e. slack so in slack also everything is same you can text, create groups you can create channels and you can record video and video chatting can also be done, meetings can take place and
- We have one more tool of google known as google groups, in that you don’t have an option for video but in that also you can create different discussion and discuss between the group so this was about messaging app and meeting app.
So apart from these apps the apps which you should know are “release apps”, so if you want to release any software like you want to do on AWS so for that how to login, how to check the status in that and even for monitoring. you need to login and check the dashboard. So for that we have a release app or release server so you need to know, it is important to know how to use this app.
After that the fourth app which we have is command app or terminal app, whenever you will use Ubuntu or any Linux software, in that we call it terminal and if you are using windows then we have CMD or command line, nowadays people are shifting towards powershell but many people are still using command line now both are almost same so no matter what you use powershell or command line both are almost same.
The last one is DBMS Database management system. Now this part is very important for developers. They should know it thoroughly and on the operations side also, you should have little bit knowledge of DBMS because if you don’t connect to the database then what is the work of a developer? He will only develop it but what if any problem or error occurs then the operations side should be able to handle it easily so that they should know DBMS, okay.
Now we will have some requirements which are necessary only and only for developers, so a developer should know his IDE, what does IDE mean? IDE means integration development environment, in this if he requires any programming software, how the software look, how the code will look, all these information and features are stored in IDE, so the most common IDE used nowadays is already defined and is separate for different software or for different programming language like, if someone is working on python then we have google’s colab which is online, they use that or we have anaconda which is available in pycharm library, with pycharm IDE, so some people use that and if you are developing Java’s program then we have eclipse IDE and netbeans IDE for Java okay and if you are programming from android then for that, earlier people used android studio and now also people use android studio but we also have jetbrains and many more different IDS are formed but then also you will know if you take any programming language then along with that id is already connected ,so you can decide IDE according to your programming language and then use it so these are normal conventional ways.
IDE was used earlier also for devops but after the launch of devops which new features do we want in IDE, for programming, so where should version control and version management be done? within your IDE only, so we have many IDE which helps in integrating it and working on it ,so that you can do everything from that IDE only so an example for that is sublime and vs code and we have many more even eclipse has added version management in it so almost all IDE are including these for devops so this is the first requirement for developers.
Another requirement is bug slash issue tracking software normally when we code if 5 people are coding or even if single person is coding, so there should be a dashboard where he can see all the errors or bugs from his programming and how many of those are solved and how many are pending all that should be shown there itself, so this is known as issue tracking software or bug tracking software and through that we can see how many issues are there in software? How many of them are solved? And all the issues will be added by testing in that only, so this software should be known to both developer and tester okay.
The last one is version management, now version management is done through IDE automatically but sometimes if I need to know some specific things in detail, about version management software okay, so this was about the developer side.
Now we will see which software is necessary from the operations side.so the first software necessary from the operations side is team management, now you have to distribute your work within the team that you can do through team management software. now you might think that this team management software can be used commonly so in this you can use excel also in which you can divide your work and write it down in excel and then submit it or we have advanced software also like kanban, scrum, what are all these ?
These are technologies which you can use for team management and many more advanced software are available for it.
Now time management is also an important topic which is done from the operation side, so we have softwares for time management also which can be merged in kanban or team management software so here you can use this single software or if you want you can use separate software.
After that last is release in deployment software, so our code which the developer will give us we have to give it to the client. We mostly allot that task to developers only but in some companies this task is given to operations, so for that how to release, how to deploy, how to get and see release information, how to monitor that, to whom all these responsibilities are given? All this is given to the operations team so that detail should also be known, okay. so here we saw basic requirements here but now we will see installation based on that basic requirement,
So first installation we will see of IDE, so the IDE which we are going to use in the whole course is VS code and this is an open source IDE which Microsoft has developed, so now we are going to use VS code IDE because in this we can use many different programming languages and through them we can develop program.
So if you want to install vs code then you need to visit google chrome and what do you have to search on google? Vs code download… So as you write this, the first option which you will see is code dot user studio dot com, so as you click on this you can click on download based on your OS and download it. So while downloading I will advise you to always download the system installer. So here you will see two options, one will be user installer and other system installer, so what is user installer? that will install for only that specific user and if you install system installer then it will install for the whole system so for system installer , you need full permission and for user installer you just need user permission, but if you are doing it on your personal computer then it is better to install system installer.
Now what are the benefits of this? If you have installed vs code through the system installer so, if you have created any folder on computer then, you can easily right click on it and open with vs code and then you can open that whole folder in vs code so what will happen here? If you have installed it through the system installer then. it will be installed system wide and then you can easily access that folder from anywhere and if you have installed user-wise then some problems are created that which are not resolved easily ,okay.
Now the process of installation is very easy. You have to download the exe file then you just have to finish installation by clicking on next next and after installation is completed then after installation VS file will look something like this… okay so this vs code which you can see here as soon as you install it it will look like this. So first we will look some customization in it ,so as I said VS code is IDE in it all the features of devops should be present and it is present also, so here we will see the easiest one which is changing theme .so here we can go in settings button by clicking here in command palate okay , so here we have shortcut also for that i.e. control shift P and then you can go to command plate and do whatever you want to do from here and if you know the shortcuts then you can do it directly also.
Now mostly people don’t like white coloured themes so from here you can change the colour theme also you can keep whatever you want but normally I will keep light coloured only as you can see here extensions are also available here, now what are extensions? As we know vs code is ide in which we can work with different programming languages but what if I support all languages in ide, then what will happen? The packages for different languages are very big right? and our vs code package which will be formed will also be very big, so what they have done is they have divided every part into different extensions, so when you will install vs code it will be a small file somewhere about 100mb.
After installing if you want to connect any programming language then you can easily install related extensions so for example if I install c language code so I will just write c and enter so it will show all the extensions available for it so if I enter this then I will c language or c plus plus intellisense means code completion and all that debugging and code browsing, so all these features will be supported if I install this extension, similarly if I want python then I just need to write python and all the extensions related to it will be shown here okay. Now I don’t want any extension related to programming language but I want devops related ,so as we discussed earlier version control so in this a very famous software related to version control that is git, so if I search here git then all the extensions related to git will be shown here okay.
...Now if you want something else instead of version control, now you want for issue tracking so, you will search here jira then you will get its extension here and you can install it and use its basic functionalities through here only and if you want automation then you can do that also from here so in short our whole visual studio code is completely customisable and in that you can add version control also and here we have source code and in that you can open any file also and all the software are also supported in this and it supports almost all the programming language okay.
After vs code the second thing which we are going to see is WSL windows subsystem for linux wsl is latest one, in this what happens is, in earlier times if you wish to install linux and use it and you want to use features of linux also then what you were needed to do is create a virtual machine in which you need to install linux and then only you could use it but in that what the disadvantage was, if you are making linux machine and then you are making something in that then you need to do virtualization and for that you need to install software you need to change the settings like how much RAM we need to give to linux, how much hard disk to give and all.
Now what I have to do is, wsl is made into such a software in which we can use Linux's every feature through our windows only easily, so how to install this? It is very easy , the first thing which you have to do is you need to update your pc to latest version i.e. windows 10 and when you will update it to windows 10’s latest version from your windows update then what you have to do is you have to open control panel okay, in control panel you have to go to system software panel or it will be programs and features , so if you go to programs and features if you are not able to see it then instead of large icon change it to category and here you will see programs and uninstall a program, so I have clicked on uninstall a program here as you will open this here on left side you will see turn windows features on or off and here a small box will open and in this box you can see all the features which are enabled and disabled that you can see here.
So, here you have to search for windows subsystem for linux and you have to check whether it is enable or not and if it is not enable then you have to enable it ,so as I can see here it is not enabled so here I will simply click on it and enable it and here, I will click on okay, so it will automatically enable it now this same thing I can do by another method also, what is that? that is I have to install wsl so here I will open powershell and instead of powershell you can use cmd also but mostly people use powershell ,so in powershell what you have to do is you have fire command WSL hyphen hyphen install okay, so it is showing error as I don’t have permission but if you run this as admin then you will have permission… from here you can change this to run as administrator and you need to enter password so as you will enter password automatically powershell will open in front of you now in powershell what you have to do? You have to simply write wsl hyphen hyphen install and… as you will press enter the whole process will start here, the whole virtual platform is getting downloaded and after downloading this it will also download Ubuntu which is its kernel and after that it will install it.
This whole process has installed wsl and after installing this, you can use this and you can easily run it so as you can see here it is downloading Ubuntu, after downloading Ubuntu command for using it is wsl space ,dash space dash v and this will show you all the versions and we will see this practically as soon as this installation completes okay so here wsl has been installed.. now if you want to check it you can check like this, in wsl if you want to check which all OS are available then you can add dash L hyphen hyphen list…online, so here all these os are available we have Ubuntu, Debian, kali, open suse and from this which one is online? Ubuntu is online. This one we have already installed. Now you can use this. Okay, this was all about the installation for today.
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