Hello guys my name is Nikhil Gupta and welcome to this video series of learnvern, today we are going to see about principles of devops, so before starting with principles of devops, we need to first understand what are principles? So if we are talking about devops then this is a kind of belief means if you are using devops and you are using its concepts also then there are some rules which you would like to follow, now these are not compulsory rules which you need to follow strictly but if you follow these rules the time which you are taking for coding or your performance or project will be developed very easily and thus many people follow principles.
So we are going to see principles of devops and if you work on devops anytime then do follow these principles okay, so the five principles of devops are first automation, second customer centric view and third is try and try until you reach the goal means you have to keep on trying, fourth is pipelining and last is feedbacks . so we will see all these principles one by one.
So the first and important principle is automation, okay automation means we have discussed this earlier also means we have to automate things, means removing user from the whole process and computer can do it on its own, so if I want to automate anything then I need to understand the whole process first and do something so that computer can do that process so if we talk about devops then it is divided in total 8 parts right, so for every part if I start automating , then process will be very complicated if I keep it as single and thus we have divided the whole automation in 7 parts so in automations we have total 7 parts which are known as 7 Cs of devops as continuous word is used before every process okay.
So first thing is continuous operations, now continuous operations means you have to automate it and automate it does not mean you have to completely remove users from the process. so in continuous operation, so you have to collect data from user right and you also have to check whether your website is active or not and if you have an app which connects through API then whether all the services are working or not all these comes under operations, if remove user from there because one single person cannot keep an eye on everything and instead you create an automated software who can handle all this thing means which service is pending or which operation has reach till where? So it will maintain its status and we call that continuous operations.
After that comes continuous planning. Now what happens in continuous planning is whatever feedback you get or whatever requirement you get from the user, and if you use that requirement and automate and plan means we decide which should be the next feature then that is known as continuous planning.
After that comes continuous integration, so if many people are coding at the same time and if you connect all those codes together and then merge it, and build it, that process is known as continuous integration.
After continuous integration ,we have continuous testing so when your software is built then we have to test it, so some tests are like you will notice as many times it is built we will have to do the same test again and again so we can automate that also and that is known as continuous testing.
So when continuous testing is done, we move towards continuous deployment, or we can say continuous delivery okay, now after that we have continuous monitoring, so whatever we have created we will monitor it. whether it is our service or our web server okay, and if you kept an API then you will monitor that also, what is the benefit of monitoring? If any issue is generated then you will be notified or if someone is doing some illegal work then that also you will know.
Last is continuous feedback, after continuous feedback this whole process will start again in different sprint and this whole process will start again so in continuous feedback what happens is we take feedback from user right so in feedback as we know we get a review like, we have to give stars and now due to automation we can also decide whether people felt good about the app or bad okay and more advanced than this is it can extract from feedback okay, so it means it can extract on its own and send the result to continuous planning okay. So here we saw the principle of automation.
Next principle is customer centric view, this means if you are making any project and using devops then your main focus should be customer, you have to make any application or software in such way that it should prioritize user means if user wants anything simple then you have to provide him simple only and if user wants fancy or 3D design means if you are creating any game and you make it simple then there will be no point in that game as people nowadays wants game which have 3D effects or there should be lots of animation, but if you see any website today then what does user want? If he is searching for some information then should be able to find it easily there he does not want any sort of animation.
Always remember whatever you are developing and whatever customer has demanded there should not be any difference between that and we need to develop according to customers demand okay and after that our third principle is try and try again. So what does this mean? Normally what happens whenever we start with any project we try to complete it in one attempt, means your project should be perfect in first attempt, it should be deploy ready application but devops says that you should not try making perfect application in first attempt. you should give your 100 percent in first attempt and once it is done in second attempt refurnish it and make changes in that, and go on making changes till it becomes perfect application, and if you try making perfect application in first attempt then you will see it will consume lot of your time okay, so if you use try and try then also time will be consumed but after some time you will have a working project which you can deliver to user and when you deliver it to user you will get feedback, and once you get feedback you can make changes so we have lots of benefits of this approach.
So normally people who use devops never focus on making a perfect application in the first attempt. They will try their best and make whatever they can make in first sprint okay and after that we have another principle that is pipelining, so in devops pipelining is very useful, pipelining means if you are following any step again and again means if it is repeating again and again then you can make a pipeline, pipeline means nothing but the steps which you are repeating or the sequence which you are following you have to create a pipeline to automate it, means it is given name as pipeline so when your pipeline is created then you can mix these multiple pipelines and you can perform automation okay.
After the pipeline we have feedback, in devops feedback holds a lot of importance. You must have seen in devops in the first attempt only we don’t create a perfect application, so we always need to wait for feedback and on feedback only our second process starts so feedback plays an important role here.
In devops feedback should have three properties first is at constant interval it means you should get feedback after specific time interval means, if you have decided monthly means you will ask for new feedback every month like now if user has given feedback then he will repeat again after one month and if your feedbacks are constant, means you are getting that after specific interval then you will know how the changes have affected user or what new requirements does user have all these things can be known through his feedback okay.
After that we have relevant, you will know if you take feedbacks from user then sometimes we get bots in that bots multiply the feedbacks or jam it means it will create many feedbacks manually which are not relevant at all, so such feedbacks which are not at all useful to us we can say that as irrelevant so we want relevant feedbacks through which we can understand the requirements of user, and what all changes does he want or what does user feel about our application? or project and if we can get this information from feedback then we will say that our feedback is relevant.
Last one is properly assigned and stored means our feedback should be properly assigned it should come from trusted source only means if some user is not using only your application, and if he is giving feedback then does not benefit us at all right, so your feedback should come from trusted source not only trusted you need to store it accordingly, means you have to store your data in such manner that from it you can know its trust level also, means what is its relevance so by using all these you can serve client easily and you will know what is clients exact requirement.
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